Kuno National Park | 19 Mar 2025
Why in News?
On 17th March, 2025 a female cheetah and her four cubs were released in the wild forest of Kuno National Park (KNP), Madhya Pradesh .
- This takes the total number of cheetahs in KNP to 26, including 14 cubs born in India.
Key Points
- Kuno National Park:
- Kuno National Park is a protected area in Madhya Pradesh , which was given the status of a national park in 2018 .
- It was established in 1981 as a wildlife sanctuary.
- It is spread across Sheopur and Morena districts of the state .
- Kuno National Park is the habitat for cheetahs relocated from Namibia and South Africa.
- Cheetah relocation project:
- The Cheetah Reintroduction Project in India was formally launched on 17th September 2022, with the aim of restoring the population of cheetahs in the country, which were declared extinct in 1952.
- The project is implemented by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) in collaboration with the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department , Wildlife Institute of India (WII) and cheetah experts from Namibia and South Africa.
- Importance
- The reintroduction of cheetahs will strengthen the ecosystem and revive the grassland ecosystem, which will also be beneficial for other species.
- This will help in conserving biodiversity and establishing balance in the food chain .
- The number of tourists will increase and employment opportunities will be created, thereby boosting the local economy.