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International Relations

Sansad TV Vishesh: Prime Minister's Visit to America

  • 26 Sep 2024
  • 14 min read

Why in News?

Recently, Indian Prime Minister visited the United States and attended the 6th Quad Leaders' Summit 2024 in Wilmington, marking a pivotal moment for collaboration among Australia, India, Japan, and the US. 

  • A bilateral meeting was held between India and the US leaders. Also, the Indian Prime Minister attended the UN Summit of the Future. 

What is the Summit of the Future? 

  • About: The Summit is a high-level gathering of world leaders aimed at establishing a new international consensus for improving the present and securing a better future. 
  • Pact for the Future: Signed in September 2024, this agreement seeks to reshape global governance for the 21st century. 
    • It features a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations, focusing on peace, sustainable development, climate change, and human rights. 
    • Leaders committed to reforming the UN Security Council, advancing nuclear disarmament, enhancing climate finance, and establishing responsible AI governance. 
    • The pact emphasizes inclusivity for future generations and promotes gender equality, ensuring youth participation in global governance. 
  • India at the Summit: 
    • India emphasized that global peace relies on reforming international institutions, addressing conflicts like Ukraine and Israel-Hamas. 
    • India highlighted terrorism and new conflicts in cyber and space, promoting global digital governance and India's willingness to share its digital infrastructure. 

What are the Outcomes of the Quad Summit? 

  • Quad Cancer Moonshot: The leaders launched the Quad Cancer Moonshot, a groundbreaking partnership specifically aimed at combating cervical cancer in the Indo-Pacific region 
  • Maritime Security Enhancements: One of the key maritime initiatives announced is the Quad-at-Sea Ship Observer Mission, which is scheduled to launch in 2025.  
    • This mission aims to improve interoperability and enhance maritime safety among the US Coast Guard, Japan Coast Guard, Australian Border Force, and Indian Coast Guard. 
  • Maritime Initiative for Training in the Indo-Pacific (MAITRI): The newly introduced MAITRI initiative is designed to enable regional partners to effectively utilise tools provided through the Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) 
    • This initiative will boost regional partners' abilities to monitor waters, enforce laws, and deter illegal activities. 
    • India will host the inaugural MAITRI workshop in 2025, strengthening the Quad's maritime security focus. 
  • Logistics and Infrastructure Development: The Indo-Pacific Logistics Network Pilot Project aims to establish shared airlift capacity among Quad nations, thereby enhancing the speed and efficiency of civilian disaster response efforts 
    • This initiative represents a crucial step towards improving logistical coordination in the face of natural disasters in the region. 
  • Ports of the Future Partnership: Through the Ports of the Future Partnership, Quad nations will collaborate to develop sustainable and resilient port infrastructure across the Indo-Pacific.  
    • This partnership aims to leverage Quad expertise to keep ports operational during disruptions from pandemics, disasters, or security threats. 
  • Joint Ventures in Emerging Technologies: The summit emphasised the importance of collaboration in emerging technologies, particularly in biotechnology and quantum computing 
    • By laying the groundwork for joint ventures in these critical areas, the Quad aims to foster innovation and enhance research capabilities among its member nations. 
  • Future Engagements: The next Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is scheduled for 2025 in the US, while India will host the subsequent Quad Leaders’ Summit. 
    • A Regional Ports and Transportation Conference is set for Mumbai in 2025, highlighting the Quad's commitment to continued cooperation. 


What are the Outcomes of the India-US Bilateral Summit? 

  • Enhanced Military Collaboration: Progress was made in enhancing military cooperation, particularly with India's ongoing acquisition of 31 MQ-9B remotely piloted aircrafts 
    • This procurement aims to enhance India's intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities.  
    • A Defense Industrial Cooperation Roadmap was also discussed to advance co-production of critical defense technologies, strengthening ties between the two nations. 
    • Both countries welcomed collaboration between Liquid Robotics and Sagar Defence Engineering for co-developing unmanned surface vehicle systems, enhancing undersea and maritime domain awareness. 
  • Liaison Officer Deployment: The recent agreement regarding the deployment of liaison officers marks a significant milestone in defense collaboration.  
    • The first Indian liaison officer will be stationed at USSpecial Operations Command to enhance joint operations and military coordination. 
  • Cybersecurity Initiatives: A Bilateral Cyber Engagement scheduled for November 2024, aims to strengthen the framework for cybersecurity cooperation between the United States and India. 
  • Supply Chain Resilience: The new agreement aims to improve the reliability and efficiency of the defense supply chain between India and the US 
    • This initiative is vital for ensuring that both nations can quickly and effectively respond to evolving security challenges. 
  • Economic Collaboration: In an effort to bolster the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) ecosystem in India, the government has introduced a uniform 5% Goods and Services Tax on MRO services for aircraft.  
    • This reform streamlines the tax structure and strengthens the MRO sector, boosting defense capabilities. 

What are Challenges Related to India-US Relations and the Quad? 

  • Major Challenges for India-US Relations: 
    • Trade Tensions: Economic frictions persist despite growing bilateral trade; issues include India's USD 36.74 billion trade surplus, market access barriers, and intellectual property rights concerns. 
    • Strategic Autonomy vs. Alliance Expectations: India's commitment to strategic autonomy often clashes with US expectations, notably regarding the Russia-Ukraine War and continued Russian arms purchases. 
    • Technology Transfer and Defense Cooperation: Challenges in technology transfer and joint production remain, with US export control regulations limiting advanced technology sharing. 
    • Human Rights Concerns: US critiques of India’s human rights record, including issues related to religious freedom and minority treatment, strain relations and are perceived as interference. 
    • Climate Change and Energy: Differences over emission reduction targets and financial support highlight challenges in addressing climate change collaboratively. 
    • Balancing Relationships: India must navigate ties with the US while maintaining historical relationships, especially with Russia. 
  • Challenges for Quad: 
    • Diverging National Interests: Each member of the Quad has distinct national interests that can lead to potential disagreements regarding strategies related to trade, security, and climate action.  
      • Finding common ground among these varying priorities will be essential for the Quad's cohesion and effectiveness. 
    • Geopolitical Tensions: The increasing assertiveness of China in the Indo-Pacific, particularly in the South China Sea, poses significant challenges for diplomatic efforts.  
      • The Quad nations must navigate this complex landscape while seeking to maintain stability in the region and addressing the strategic threat posed by China. 
    • Economic integration: Economic integration among Quad members is vital for the alliance's strength. However, India's protectionist policies, differing regulations, and trade tensions with the US present challenges.  
    • Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains, prompting calls for enhanced cooperation among Quad nations to ensure resilience.  
    • Defense cooperation: Defense cooperation has improved with exercises like Malabar, but challenges remain in interoperability, intelligence sharing, and technology transfers.  
      • Differences in military capabilities, defense export laws, and varying trust levels hinder deeper integration. 
    • Cybersecurity Threats: Increasing cyber threats faced by both India and the US necessitate coordinated cybersecurity strategies to protect national security interests. 

What Should be the Way Forward? 

  • Address Trade Tensions: Engage in dialogue to resolve trade frictions, focusing on market access, intellectual property rights, and equitable trade practices. 
    • Initiatives to balance the trade surplus can enhance economic ties. 
  • Clarify Strategic Autonomy: Align strategic priorities while respecting India's autonomy. Open discussions on sensitive topics like the Russia-Ukraine conflict can build mutual understanding and strengthen partnerships. 
  • Enhance Technology Transfer: Streamline US export control regulations to facilitate greater technology sharing and joint defense production, fostering deeper defense cooperation. 
  • Collaborate on Climate Change: Establish common ground on emission reduction targets and financial support to enhance collaboration on climate change, reinforcing the partnership's global leadership. 
  • Navigate Diverse Quad Interests: Prioritise finding common ground among member nations’ distinct interests.  
    • Regular consultations and joint initiatives can foster cohesion and effective strategies in trade, security, and climate action. 
  • Counter Geopolitical Tensions: Adopt a unified approach to address China’s assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific, enhancing diplomatic efforts and collective security measures to maintain regional stability. 
  • Strengthen Economic Integration: Address India's protectionist policies and harmonise regulations to improve economic integration within the Quad, enhancing resilience in supply chains and promoting mutual economic growth. 
  • Advance Defense Cooperation: Continue military exercises, while improving interoperability, intelligence sharing, and trust among members to lead to deeper defense integration. 
  • Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges: Encouraging cultural diplomacy and exchanges among Quad nations can foster greater understanding and cooperation. 
    • Building connections at the people-to-people level can complement official diplomatic efforts and contribute to long-term stability. 

UPSC Civil Services Examination, Previous Year Question (PYQ) 


Q. With reference to the ‘Trans-Pacific Partnership’, consider the following statements: (2016) 

  1. It is an agreement among all the Pacific Rim countries except China and Russia.  
  2. It is a strategic alliance for the purpose of maritime security only.  

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?  

(a) 1 only  

(b) 2 only  

(c) Both 1 and 2  

(d) Neither 1 nor 2  

Ans: D


Q. Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) is transforming itself into a trade bloc from a military alliance, in present times Discuss. (2020)

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