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  • 25 May 2021
  • 39 min read
Biodiversity & Environment

Protected Planet Report 2020

Why in News

The report, titled Protected Planet Report 2020, underlined the progress the world has made toward the ambitious goals agreed by countries in 2010 at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.

Convention on Biological Diversity

  • It is a legally binding treaty to conserve biodiversity that has been in force since 1993.
  • Nearly all countries including India have ratified it (notably, the US has signed but not ratified).
  • The CBD Secretariat is based in Montreal, Canada and it operates under the United Nations Environment Programme.
  • A supplementary agreement to the Convention known as the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (adopted at COP5, 2000) seeks to protect biological diversity from the potential risks posed by living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology.
  • The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) was adopted in Nagoya, Japan at COP10.
  • The COP-10 also adopted a ten-year framework for action by all countries to save biodiversity.
    • Officially known as “Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020”, it provided a set of 20 targets, collectively known as the Aichi Targets for biodiversity.

Key Points

  • About the Protected Planet Reports:
    • The reports are released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with support from the National Geographic Society, a global non-profit.
    • These are biennial landmark publications that assess the state of protected and conserved areas around the world.
    • The report is the first in the series to include data on Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) in addition to protected areas.
      • OECM are a conservation designation for areas that are achieving the effective in-situ conservation of biodiversity outside of protected areas.
    • The 2020 edition provides the final report on the status of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11, and looks to the future as the world prepares to adopt a new post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
  • Findings of the Report:
    • Increase in Protected Area:
      • As many as 82% of countries and territories have increased their share of protected area and coverage of Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) since 2010.
      • Protected areas covering almost 21 million km2 have been added to the global network.
    • Increase in OECMs:
      • Since OECMs were first recorded in 2019, these areas have added a further 1.6 million km2 to the global network.
      • Despite being limited to only five countries and territories, the available data on OECMs show that they make a significant contribution to coverage and connectivity.
      • Of the area now covered by protected areas and OECMs, 42% was added in the past decade.
    • Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs):
      • KBAs are sites that contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity, in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems.
      • On an average, 62.6% of KBA either fully or partially overlap with protected areas and OECMs.
      • The average percentage of each KBA within protected areas and OECMs is 43.2% for terrestrial; 42.2% for inland water and 44.2% for marine (within national waters).
      • There was an increase of 5 percentage points or less in each case since 2010, the greatest growth in marine and coastal areas.
  • Challenges:
    • Management effectiveness assessments have been conducted across only 18.29% of the area covered by protected areas, and it is likely that many do not meet the standards for full effectiveness.
    • Integrating protected areas and OECMs across landscapes and seascapes, and in development sectors, remains a crucial challenge for ensuring the persistence of biodiversity.
      • Measurable targets for integrated land-use and marine spatial planning are needed to facilitate progress.
    • Governance is a key contributor to effective conservation. Both protected areas and OECMs can have a variety of governance regimes: government, private, governance by indigenous peoples and local communities, or any combination of these.
      • Data are still poor on governance diversity and quality for protected areas and OECMs.
      • New guidance and better reporting can provide new opportunities to better recognise and support the conservation efforts of diverse groups, including indigenous peoples, local communities, and private actors.

Protected Area in India

  • Protected areas are regions or zones of land or sea which are given certain levels of protection for conservation of biodiversity and socio-environmental values. In these areas, human intervention and exploitation of resources is limited.
  • India has a network of 903 Protected Areas covering about 5% of its total geographic area.
  • India has the following kinds of protected areas, in the sense of the word designated by IUCN:
    • National Parks, Wildlife sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves, Reserved and protected forests, Conservation reserves and community reserves, Private protected areas.

Way Forward

  • Greater application of the global standard for effectiveness, the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas, will help to address weaknesses.
  • Increasing recognition of the role that protected and conserved areas can play as nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges, and their contribution to realising multiple Sustainable Development Goals, provides a strong justification for investing in more effective national and global networks.
  • The further identification and recognition of OECMs is likely to contribute significantly to improved performance on all criteria, including connectivity, ecological representation, governance diversity and coverage (including areas important for biodiversity and ecosystem services).
  • A global network of effective and equitable protected and conserved areas will play a vital role in safeguarding the health of people and the planet for generations to come.

Source: DTE

Indian Economy

FDI Inflow Touches $82 Bn in FY21

Why in News

In the Financial Year 2020-21, India sees growth of 10% (to $82 bn) in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). FDI equity investments rise 19% to $60 billion.

  • In 2019-20, India had received $74.39 billion in FDI, with almost $50 billion coming in the form of equity investments.

Key Points

  • Top Investors:
    • Singapore emerged as the top investor with almost a third of all investments, followed by the US which accounted for 23% of FDI and Mauritius from where 9% of the foreign capital flows originated.
  • Sharpest Growth from Saudi Arabia:
    • The sharpest growth among the top 10 FDI-origin countries was recorded from Saudi Arabia.
    • Investments jumped from $90 million in 2019-20 to $2.8 billion in 2020-21.
  • FDI Equity:
    • FDI equity flows from the US more than doubled during the year compared with 2019-20, while investments from the UK surged 44%.
  • Top FDI Destinations;
    • Gujarat was the top FDI destination in 2020-21, accounting for 37% of the foreign equity inflows, followed by Maharashtra (2nd) which got 27% of the equity inflows.
    • Karnataka (3rd) accounted for another 13% of the equity investments.
  • Top Sectors:
    • Computer software and hardware has emerged as the top sector during 2020-21 with about 44% share of the total FDI equity inflow.
    • These are followed by construction (infrastructure) activities (13%) and services sector (8%), respectively.

Foreign Direct Investment

  • Definition: FDI is the process whereby residents of one country (the home country) acquire ownership of assets for the purpose of controlling the production, distribution and other activities of a firm in another country (the host country).
    • It is different from Foreign Portfolio Investment where the foreign entity merely buys stocks and bonds of a company. FPI does not provide the investor with control over the business.
  • Three Components:
    • Equity capital is the foreign direct investor’s purchase of shares of an enterprise in a country other than its own.
    • Reinvested earnings comprise the direct investors’ share of earnings not distributed as dividends by affiliates, or earnings not remitted to the direct investor. Such retained profits by affiliates are reinvested.
    • Intra-company loans or intra-company debt transactions refer to short- or long-term borrowing and lending of funds between direct investors (or enterprises) and affiliate enterprises.
  • Routes through which India gets FDI:
  • Government Measures to Promote FDI:

Source: TH

Indian Economy

Semiconductor Chips Shortage in Vehicle Manufacturing

Why in News

Recently, an unusual shortage of inputs, especially semiconductor chips, has made India-based vehicle manufactures (car manufactures and premium bikes) curtail production across categories.

Key Points

  • Semiconductor Chips:
    • Semiconductors are materials which have a conductivity between conductors (generally metals) and nonconductors or insulators (such as most ceramics). Semiconductors can be pure elements, such as silicon or germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide or cadmium selenide.
      • Conductivity is the measure of the ease at which an electric charge or heat can pass through a material.
    • A semiconductor chip is an electric circuit with many components such as transistors and wiring formed on a semiconductor wafer. An electronic device comprising numerous of these components is called Integrated Circuit (IC), and can be found in electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, appliances, gaming hardware and medical equipment.
      • These devices find widespread use in almost all industries, especially in the automobile industry.
    • Electronic parts and components today account for 40% of the cost of a new internal combustion engine car, up from less than 20% two decades ago.
      • Semiconductor Chips account for a bulk of this increase.
  • Reason for Shortage:
    • Covid and Lockdowns:
      • The Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns across the world that forced shut crucial chip-making facilities in countries including Japan, South Korea, China and the US.
      • Its shortage causes cascading effects, given that the first one creates pent-up demand that becomes the cause for the follow-up famine.
    • Increased Consumption:
      • The number of transistors mounted in IC chips has doubled every two years. Notably, the increase in chip consumption over the last decade is also partly attributable to the rising contribution of electronic components in a car’s bill of materials.
  • Impact:
    • Reduced Supply:
      • Consumers of semiconductor chips, which are mainly car manufacturers and consumer electronics manufactures, have not been receiving enough of this crucial input to continue production.
        • Chip shortage is measured in chip lead time, which is the gap between when a chip is ordered and when it is delivered.
    • Reduced Production of Automobiles:
      • With just-in-time deliveries, carmakers typically kept low inventory holdings and relied on an electronics industry supply chain to feed production lines as per demand.
    • Delayed Supply and Reduced Features:
      • It has caused delaying vehicle deliveries, some companies have reportedly started discarding features and high-end electronic capabilities on a temporary basis to deal with the chip shortage.

Way Forward

  • The present slump in the automobile industry seems to be a temporary phase. Vaccination drive and economic recovery will provide a much needed trigger.
  • However, at least for some time, there is a need to reduce Goods and Services Tax (GST) on entry level cars and that on the two wheelers. The state governments also need to reduce the road tax.

Source: IE

International Relations

India - Israel Agreement on Agriculture Cooperation

Why in News

India and Israel have signed “a three-year work program agreement” for development in agriculture cooperation.

Key Points

  • Three-year Work Program:
    • The programme aims to grow existing Centres of Excellence, establish new centers, increase CoE’s value chain, bring the Centres of Excellence into the self-sufficient mode, and encourage private sector companies and collaboration.
    • Both countries are implementing the “INDO-ISRAEL Agricultural Project Centres of Excellence” and “INDO-ISRAEL Villages of Excellence”.
  • Indo-Israeli Agriculture Project:
    • Indo-Israeli Agricultural Cooperation Project started in 2008 following the signing of a three-year Action Plan based on a Government to Government Agreement.
    • Both started an agricultural fund worth $50 million that focused on dairy, farming technology and micro-irrigation.
    • By March 2014, 10 centres of excellence operated throughout India offering free training sessions for farmers on efficient agricultural techniques using Israeli technological expertise. Vertical farming, drip irrigation and soil solarization are taught at the centres.
  • INDO-ISRAEL Villages of Excellence (IIVOE):
    • This is a new concept aimed at creating a model ecosystem in agriculture across eight states, alongside 13 Centers of Excellence within 75 villages.
    • The program will promote the increase of net income and better the livelihood of the individual farmer, transforming traditional farms into modern-intensive farms based on Indo-Israel Agriculture Action Plan (IIAP) standards.
    • Large-scale and complete value chain approach with economic sustainability, embedded with Israeli novel technologies and methodologies will be tailored to local conditions.
    • The IIVOE program will focus on: (1) Modern Agriculture infrastructure, (2) Capacity Building, (3) Market linkage.

Indo-Israel Bilateral Cooperation

  • Historical Ties:
    • The strategic cooperation between the two countries began during the Sino-India War of 1962.
    • In 1965, Israel supplied M-58 160-mm mortar ammunition to India in the war against Pakistan.
    • It was one of the few countries that chose not to condemn India’s Pokhran nuclear tests in 1998.
  • Economic Cooperation:
    • From US$ 200 million in 1992 (comprising primarily trade in diamonds), bilateral merchandise trade stood at US$ 5.65 billion (excluding defence) in 2018-19, with the balance of trade being in India’s favour by US$ 1.8 billion.
      • Trade in diamonds constitutes close to 40% of bilateral trade.
    • India is Israel's third largest trade partner in Asia.
    • Israeli companies have invested in India in energy, renewable energy, telecom, real estate, water technologies, and are focusing on setting up R&D centers or production units in India.
    • The first recipients of grants from the Israel-India Industrial R&D and Technological Innovation Fund (I4F) were announced in July 2018, including companies working to better the lives of Indians and Israelis through efficient water use, improving communications infrastructure, solar energy use, and life-changing surgeries.
      • The fund aims to help Israeli entrepreneurs enter the Indian market.
  • Defence Cooperation:
    • Israel has been among the top four arms suppliers to India for almost two decades now, notching military sales worth around USD 1 billion every year.
    • The Indian armed forces have inducted a wide array of Israeli weapon systems over the years, which range from Phalcon AWACS (airborne warning and control systems) and Heron, Searcher-II and Harop drones to Barak anti-missile defence systems and Spyder quick-reaction anti-aircraft missile systems.
    • The acquisitions also include a host of Israeli missiles and precision-guided munitions, from Python and Derby air-to-air missiles to Crystal Maze and Spice-2000 bombs.
  • Covid-19 Response:
    • In 2020, an Israeli team arrived in India with a multi-pronged mission, codenamed Operation Breathing Space to work with Indian authorities on the Covid-19 response.

Source: IE


Whiteflies: Threat to Agriculture

Why in News

According to a recent study, exotic invasive whiteflies in India are causing direct and indirect yield losses in agriculture, horticulture and forestry crop plants.

  • Whiteflies are tiny, sap-sucking insects that may become abundant in vegetable and ornamental plantings, especially during warm weather. They excrete sticky honeydew and cause yellowing or death of leaves.

Key Points

  • Spread of Whiteflies:
    • The first reported invasive spiralling whitefly (Aleurodicus dispersus) is now distributed throughout India except Jammu & Kashmir.
    • Similarly, the rugose spiralling whitefly (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus) which was reported in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu in 2016 has now spread throughout the country including the islands of Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep.
    • Aleurodicus dispersus and Aleurodicus rugioperculatus have been reported on over 320 and 40 plant species, respectively.
    • Most of the whitefly species are native to the Caribbean islands or Central America.
  • Reasons for Spread:
    • The host range of all of the invasive whiteflies has been increasing due to their polyphagous nature (ability to feed on various kinds of food) and prolific breeding.
    • The increasing import of plants and increasing globalization and movement of people has aided the spread of different varieties and their subsequent growth into invasive species.
  • Concerns:
    • Damage to Crops:
      • Whiteflies reduce the production yield and also damage crops. Approximately 1.35 lakh hectares of coconut and oil palm in India are affected by the rugose spiralling whitefly.
      • Other invasive whiteflies were also found to expand their host range on valuable plant species, especially coconut, banana, mango, sapota, guava, cashew, oil palm, and ornamental plants such as bottle palm, false bird of paradise, butterfly palm and important medicinal plants.
    • Ineffectiveness of Insecticides:
      • Whiteflies have been difficult to control by using available synthetic insecticides.
  • Controlling Whiteflies:
    • Biological Control Methods:
      • They are currently being controlled by naturally occurring insect predators, parasitoids (natural enemies of pests, provide biological control of pests in greenhouses and crop fields) and entomopathogenic fungi (fungi that can kill insects).
      • Entomopathogenic fungi specific to whiteflies are isolated, purified, grown in the lab or mass-produced and applied into the whitefly infested field in combination with the release of lab-reared potential predators and parasitoids.
      • They are not just environmentally friendly but also economically feasible.

Other Pests/Insects Attacking Crops

  • Fall Armyworm (FAW) Attack:
    • It is a dangerous transboundary insect with a high potential to spread rapidly due to its natural distribution capacity and opportunities presented by international trade.
    • In 2020, the Directorate of Agriculture reported an armyworm attack on the standing crops in the northeastern Dhemaji district of Assam and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has launched a Global Action for FAW Control as a response to the international threat posed by the armyworms.
  • Locust Invasion:
    • A locust (Migratory insect also known as tiddi) is a large, mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. They differ from ordinary grasshoppers in their ability to change behaviour (gregarize) and form swarms that can migrate over large distances.
    • Locust adults can eat their own weight every day, i.e. about two grams of fresh vegetation per day. A very small swarm eats as much in one day as about 35,000 people, posing a devastating threat to crops and food security.
  • Pink Bollworm (PBW):
    • It (Pectinophora gossypiella), is an insect known for being a pest in cotton farming.
    • The pink bollworm is native to Asia, but has become an invasive species in most of the world’s cotton-growing regions.

Way Forward

  • Continuous monitoring of the occurrence of invasive species, their host plants and geographical expansion is needed, and if required, import of potential natural enemies for bio-control programmes can also be carried out.


Social Justice

NGT Upholds Rights of Pastoralists in Banni Grasslands

Why in News

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) ordered all encroachments to be removed from Gujarat's Banni grasslands within six months.

  • The court also said the Maldharis (Pastoralists) will continue to hold the right to conserve the community forests in the area, granted to them as per the provisions in Section 3 of Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006.

National Green Tribunal

  • It is a specialised body set up under the National Green Tribunal Act (2010) for effective and expeditious disposal of cases relating to environmental protection and conservation of forests and other natural resources.
  • NGT is mandated to make disposal of applications or appeals finally within 6 months of filing the same.
  • The NGT has five places of sittings, New Delhi is the Principal place of sitting and Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai are the other four.
  • Being a statutory adjudicatory body like Courts, apart from original jurisdiction on filing of an application, NGT also has appellate jurisdiction to hear appeal as a Court (Tribunal).

Key Points

  • About Banni Grassland:
    • Location:
      • Banni is the largest grassland of Asia situated near the Great Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.
      • It is spread over 2,618 kilometres and accounts for almost 45% of the pastures in Gujarat.
    • Ecosystem and Vegetation:
      • Two ecosystems, wetlands and grasslands, are mixed side by side in Banni.
      • Vegetation in Banni is sparse and highly dependent on rainfall.
        • Banni grasslands, traditionally, were managed following a system of rotational grazing.
      • Banni is dominated by low-growing plants, forbs and graminoids, many of which are halophiles (salt tolerant), as well as scattered tree cover and scrub.
      • The area is rich in flora and fauna, with 192 species of plants, 262 species of birds, several species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
    • Reserve Forest:
      • In 1955, the court notified that the grassland will be a reserve forest (the most restricted forests classified according to Indian Forest Act 1927).
      • In 2019, the tribunal ordered to demarcate the boundaries of the Banni grassland and restricted non-forest activities.
      • Wildlife Institute of India (WII) has identified this grassland reserve as one of the last remaining habitats of the cheetah in India and a possible reintroduction site for the species.

  • About Maldharis:
    • Maldharis are a tribal herdsmen community inhabiting Banni.
    • Originally nomads, they came to be known as Maldharis after settling in Junagarh (mainly Gir Forest).
    • The literal meaning of Maldhari is keeper (dhari) of the animal stock (mal).
      • The livestock include sheep, goats, cows, buffalo, and camels.
    • The Gir Forest National Park is home to around 8,400 Maldharis.
  • Provisions of the Forest Rights Act 2006:
    • Under the provisions of the Act, forest dwellers cannot be displaced unless the rights settlement process has been completed.
    • Moreover, the Act has a special provision for setting up ‘Critical Wildlife Habitats (CWH)’, for the conservation of the species.
    • It strengthens the conservation regime of the forests while ensuring livelihood and food security of the FDST (Forest Dwelling Scheduled Tribes) and OTFD (Other Traditional Forest Dwellers).
    • The Act identifies four types of rights:
      • Title rights: It gives FDST and OTFD the right to ownership to land farmed by tribals or forest dwellers subject to a maximum of 4 hectares.
      • Use rights: The rights of the dwellers extend to extracting Minor Forest Produce, grazing areas etc.
      • Relief and development rights: To rehabilitate in case of illegal eviction or forced displacement and to basic amenities, subject to restrictions for forest protection.
      • Forest management rights: It includes the right to protect, regenerate or conserve or manage any community forest resource which they have been traditionally protecting.

Source: DTE

Indian Economy

Exports of GI Certified Gholvad Sapota: Maharashtra

Why in News

A consignment of Dahanu Gholvad sapota has been exported to the United Kingdom from Maharashtra’s Palghar district, providing a major boost to shipments of Geographical Indication (GI) certified products from India.

  • Sapota (Chikoo) is grown in many states- Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
    • Karnataka is known to be the highest grower of the fruit, followed by Maharashtra.

Key Points

  • About Gholvad Sapota:
    • The fruit is known for its sweet and unique taste. It is believed that the unique taste is derived from calcium rich soil of Gholvad village in Palghar district (Maharashtra).
  • Other GI Certified Products from Maharashtra:
  • Geographical Indication (GI) Certification:
    • GI is an indication used to identify goods having special characteristics originating from a definite geographical territory.
      • It is used for agricultural, natural and manufactured goods.
    • The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 seeks to provide for the registration and better protection of geographical indications relating to goods in India.
      • The Act is administered by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and TradeMarks- who is the Registrar of Geographical Indications.
      • The Geographical Indications Registry is located at Chennai.
    • The registration of a geographical indication is valid for a period of 10 years. It can be renewed from time to time for a further period of 10 years each.
    • It is also a part of the World Trade Organisation’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
    • Recent Examples: Jharkhand’s Sohrai Khovar painting, Telangana’s Telia Rumal , Tirur Vetilla (Kerala), Dindigul Lock and Kandangi Saree (Tamil Nadu), Odisha Rasagola, etc.
    • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA - Ministry of Commerce and Industry) has a focus on promotion of exports of GI products.
      • Shahi Litchi from Bihar has been exported to the United Kingdom.
        • India is the second largest producer of litchi (Litchi chin) in the world, after China.
      • Earlier, a consignment of GI certified Banganapalli & Survarnarekha mangoes sourced from farmers in Krishna & Chittor districts of Andhra Pradesh was exported to South Korea.

Source: PIB


MCA 21 Version 3.0: Digital Corporate Compliance Portal

Why in News

Recently, the government launched the first phase of the latest update to its digital corporate compliance portal, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) 21 Version 3.0.

Key Points

  • About:
    • It will leverage the use of latest technologies to further streamline the Corporate Compliance and stakeholders experience.
    • MCA 21 has been part of Mission Mode projects of the Government of India.
      • MCA21 Version 3.0 is part of the 2021 Budget announcement.
      • MCA21 is the online portal of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) that has made all company related information accessible to various stakeholders and the general public. It was launched in 2006.
    • The entire project is proposed to be launched within the Financial Year 2021-22 and will be data analytics and machine learning driven.
    • The MCA21 V3.0 in its entirety will not only improve the existing services and modules, but will also create new functionalities like e-adjudication, compliance management system, advanced helpdesk, feedback services, user dashboards, self-reporting tools and revamped master data services.
      • It comprises a revamped website, new email services for MCA Officers and two new modules, namely, e. Book and e. Consultation.
  • Objective:
  • Benefits:
    • Easy access to the updated legislations along with a tracking mechanism for historical changes in law.
    • It will give new meaning to corporate compliance culture and will further enhance the trust and confidence in the Corporate regulatory and governance system.
  • Other Measures taken to Improve Ease of Doing Business:
    • Integrated Incorporation Form :
    • RUN – Reserve Unique Name:
      • It is a web service used for reserving a name for a new company or for changing its existing name. The web service helps verify whether the name chosen for the company is unique.
    • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code:

Source: PIB

Important Facts For Prelims

National Award for Recycling Carbon Technology

Why in News

A Bangalore based startup has received the National Award 2021 from Technology Development Board (TDB) for developing a commercial solution for conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to chemicals and fuels.

  • The startup has received funding under the Nano Mission.

Key Points

  • About:
    • The startup developed efficient catalysts and methodologies for the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to methanol and other chemicals.
    • It has led to improvisation of process engineering to enhance the production of chemicals and fuels from anthropogenic CO2 generated from various sources including coal and natural gas power generation sectors, steel industry, cement industry, and chemical industries.
    • It has integrated multiple components involved in the CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration) to develop a complete solution for the environmental issues due to global warming.
    • The Recycling Carbon Technology will be transferred to Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology.
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS):
    • It is a process that captures carbon dioxide emissions from sources like coal-fired power plants and either reuses or stores it so it will not enter the atmosphere.
    • Carbon dioxide storage in geologic formations includes oil and gas reservoirs, unmineable coal seams and deep saline reservoirs - structures that have stored crude oil, natural gas, brine and carbon dioxide over millions of years.

Technology Development Board

  • TDB is a statutory body established by the Technology Development Board Act, 1995.
  • It was established in 1996 and functions under the Department of Science of Technology.
  • It provides financial assistance to companies working for commercialization of indigenous technologies and adaptation of imported technologies for domestic applications.
  • As part of National Technology Day (11th May), the TDB presents the National Awards, to industrial concerns who have successfully commercialized an indigenous technology.

Nano Mission

  • The Government of India launched the Nano Mission in 2007 as an "umbrella capacity-building programme".
  • It is being implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) under the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Source: PIB

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