You searched “Urbanization”. Your tag search matches the following results:
Every year, World Cities Day is observed on 31st October. The concept was first brought about by the United Nations. According to the UN, the day...
01 Nov 2018 Urbanization
India’s Failure To Address Its Urban Slum Problem
(The editorial is based on the article “India’s failure to address its urban slum problem” which appeared in Livemint on 23rd...
23 Oct 2018 Urbanization
Andhra Pradesh topped the ‘Ease of Living Index’ ranking under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT),...
25 Sep 2018 Urbanization
Our Understanding of the Dynamics of Risks of Disasters is Still Far from Comprehensive
(This editorial appears in the Hindustan Times, for 25-08-2018, and it explains how the problem of floods in India is taking a turn for the worse,...
25 Aug 2018 Urbanization
Centre plans to bring out city level GDP data
With urban India responsible for an increasingly large share of the national GDP, the Centre now hopes to bring out city-level GDP data. According...
18 Aug 2018 Urbanization
Pune tops Ease of Living Index
Pune, Navi Mumbai and Greater Mumbai from Maharashtra were ranked India's three most livable places on the government's inaugural 'Ease of Living...
14 Aug 2018 Urbanization
Scaled Up Solutions for a Future of Water Scarcity
(This article has appeared in The Hindu on 2/8/2018, and pertains to the water woes that India is facing and its related conservation and...
02 Aug 2018 Urbanization