You searched “Urbanization”. Your tag search matches the following results:
Inclusive Urban Spaces For India
This editorial is based on “Rebuild cities as spaces of dignity” which was published in The Indian Express on 05/07/2020. It talks...
08 Jul 2020 Urbanization
Prerak Dauur Samman: Swachh Survekshan 2021
Why in News Recently, a new category of awards titled ‘Prerak Dauur Samman’ has been announced as part of Swachh Survekshan 2021. Key...
04 Jul 2020 Urbanization
TULIP: The Urban Learning Internship Program
Why in News Recently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, and All India Council for Technical...
05 Jun 2020 Urbanization
India’s Urban Centers and Infections
This article is based on Skewed Urbanisation and the Contagion which was published in Economic and Political Weekly on 18/04/2020. It talks about...
21 Apr 2020 Urbanization
Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission
Why in News The 4th Anniversary of the launch of Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM) was observed on 21st February, 2020. SPMRM is a...
21 Feb 2020 Urbanization
Why in News Recently, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) survey released a ranking of the fastest-growing urban areas across the world which...
14 Jan 2020 Urbanization
09 Oct 2019 Urbanization
According to the economic outlook of Asian Development Outlook Report-2019, the number of urban inhabitants in developing Asia has increased almost...
01 Oct 2019 Urbanization
Focus on Small Towns to Generate Rural Jobs
The article is based on Focus on small towns to generate rural jobs that was published in ORF on 9th september. It talks about the role of small...
10 Sep 2019 Urbanization
SKOCH Governance Gold Award for DAY-NULM
The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) has been conferred the prestigious SKOCH Governance Gold Award for its...
30 Aug 2019 Urbanization
This article is based on “Cities At Crossroads: A better blueprint for the city” that appeared in The Indian Express on 31st July 2019....
31 Jul 2019 Urbanization
House Affordability Survey: RBI
Reserve Bank of India’s quarterly residential asset price monitoring survey (RAPMS) on housing loans has shown that housing affordability has...
12 Jul 2019 Urbanization
India is elected to the Executive Board of the first UN-Habitat Assembly at the Plenary Session of the Assembly being held in Nairobi. The theme:...
01 Jun 2019 Urbanization
Fire Safety Regulations In India
This editorial is based on the news "Fire and Laissez-faire: Fix Accountability for Surat Tragedy" which appeared in "The Hindu" on 27th May 2019....
27 May 2019 Urbanization
Fire incident at a coaching centre in Surat has resulted in the death of 22 students. Facts As per National Crime Records Bureau figures, 17,700...
27 May 2019 Urbanization
Cities are turning into 'Lightening Magnets'
Scientists believe that as the world gets warmer and more polluted, the frequency and intensity of lightning may rise. Estimates suggest that...
09 May 2019 Urbanization
The Big Picture: Transforming Indian Cities
According to Oxford Economics report, Indian cities will make up most of the fastest-growing cities in the world between 2019 and 2035, considering...
18 Dec 2018 Urbanization
Global Education Monitoring Report-2019 : UNESCO
Recently, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released its Global Education Monitoring Report 2019...
20 Nov 2018 Urbanization
Solutions to Drinking Water Crisis in India: Water ATMs
Recently Safe Water Network has released a report suggesting safe water enterprise as a solution to providing drinking water in Indian cities. Small...
05 Nov 2018 Urbanization
(This editorial is based on the article “Wrong Doctor, Wrong Medicine” which appears in The Hindu on 4th November 2018. It analyses the...
05 Nov 2018 Urbanization