Total Questions : 108
Q. In India it is said that the wealth hierarchy mimics the caste hierarchy. In the light of this statement establish the relationship between caste and economic inequality in India and highlight the initiatives taken to address the caste inequality. (150 words)
31 Dec, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “The skewed child sex ratio could upset the gains from a falling fertility rate in India.” In the light of the statement discuss the reasons and suggest solutions to address low child sex ratio. (250 words)
20 Oct, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Health outcomes are the result of an interaction of forces ranging from the level of expertise of health personnel to the civic sense of a population. Comment. (250 words)
15 Sep, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “The poverty line in India may not permit a comfortable existence, but allows above subsistence existence”. Critically examine the concept of poverty line in India. (250 words)
01 Sep, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. The government’s recent proposal to raise the legal age of marriage to 21 years for women is a step towards women empowerment. Critically analyse. (150 words)
25 Aug, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Discuss the challenges of Model Land Leasing Act, 2016. Also, suggest measures that can be taken to protect the interest of small and marginal farmers in India. (250 words)
18 Aug, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “India faces challenges in providing quality education to its children and the youth”. Discuss the importance of new education policy in the light of this statement. (250 words)
11 Aug, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Creation of a vibrant knowledge society can be ensured by higher quality education to all thereby making India a ‘Global knowledge Super Power’. Explain. (250 words)
14 Jul, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “India has made phenomenal progress in access and availability of health services, since independence”. Identify the bottlenecks in health service delivery and suggest solutions. (250 words)
22 Jun, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “The needs of migrants should be addressed through a concerted national policy.” In the light of the statement critically examine the utility of One Nation One Ration Card scheme. (250 words)
29 May, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020 strives to provide reproductive rights to women in India. Critically examine. (250 words)
25 Feb, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Progress from Millennium Development to Sustainable Development entails a shift in the focus from universalizing access to education towards the delivery of quality education. Explain. (250 words)
11 Feb, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. What do you understand by Digital literacy and financial literacy? Explain their significance for India. (250 words)
04 Feb, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Decentralisation in school management and governance is the key for fixing and reviving the broken governance system of rural education in India. Discuss. (250 words)
04 Feb, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. What do you understand by ‘Double Burden of Malnutrition’? Suggest steps that can be taken to tackle the Double Burden of Malnutrition. (250 words)
28 Jan, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. India needs to focus on quality and unique solutions through technology to improve delivery systems of education. Comment. (250 words)
28 Jan, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Health and nutrition not only play a vital role in making human life dynamic, capable and prosperous, but it also has the potential to empower, develop and strengthen the nation. Discuss. (250 words)
21 Jan, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Right to Education Act, 2009 is a breakthrough in India’s education landscape. Critically Examine. (250 words)
21 Jan, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. To achieve social justice in society, governments have to do more than just ensure that laws and policies treat individuals in a fair manner. Explain. (250 words)
07 Jan, 2020 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. State the criteria followed for the determination of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). What are the issues faced by them? Also mention the measures taken by the government to address these issues. (150 words)
31 Dec, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “Social audit helps to narrow gaps between vision and reality.” Examine the statement and also discuss the impediments in the institutionalization of social audit in India. (250 words)
10 Dec, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Self-Help Groups have emerged as the most effective mechanism for the delivery of microfinance services to the poor. Critically examine. (250 words)
10 Dec, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Objectives of gender justice go beyond the boundaries of the courts. Comment. (250 words)
19 Nov, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. The Aspirational Districts’ Programme seeks to remove heterogeneity in socio-economic indicators reflected in prevalent inequality in districts of India. Discuss. (250 words)
05 Nov, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Even after having a number of schemes to address malnutrition, malnutrition remains a mighty challenge for India. Discuss. (250 words)
29 Oct, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Unequal access to the Internet creates and reproduces socio-economic exclusions. Discuss. (250 words)
15 Oct, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Unequal access to the Internet creates and reproduces socio-economic exclusions. Discuss. (250 words)
01 Oct, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. In countries like India, social security in its modern form has been a response to many issues arising out of the development process. Discuss. (250 words)
24 Sep, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. India is projected to surpass China as the world’s most populous country by 2027. Discuss the challenges of rising population and suggest a way forward. (250 words)
10 Sep, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. PM-KISAN is aimed at boosting rural consumption and helping poor farmers recover from distress. Examine the challenges of PM-KISAN in this context. (250 words)
03 Sep, 2019 GS Paper 2 Social Justice