Total Questions : 108
Q. Assess the implementation challenges of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and suggest measures to strengthen its effectiveness. (150 words)
18 Mar, 2025 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Higher education reforms in India are crucial for fostering social mobility and equity. Evaluate the role of National Education Policy 2020 in ensuring accessibility and quality in higher education. (250 words)
04 Mar, 2025 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Gender budgeting is an important tool for women's empowerment. Analyze its effectiveness in addressing gender disparities in India’s development policies. (250 words)
04 Feb, 2025 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. The Right to Education Act has completed over a decade of implementation. Has it succeeded in achieving its core objective of social inclusion? Discuss. (250 words)
21 Jan, 2025 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. "Social justice without economic justice is incomplete." In light of this statement, examine how India's affirmative action policies have addressed both dimensions of justice. (250 words)
24 Dec, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Analyze the role of public-private partnerships in improving the quality and accessibility of social sector services. What governance mechanisms can ensure accountability and prevent the commodification of essential services? (250 words)
03 Dec, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. How can India leverage its demographic dividend while simultaneously addressing the challenges of skill development and employment generation? Discuss with reference to recent government initiatives. (250 words)
19 Nov, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q.Discuss the persistence of manual scavenging in India. How does the NAMASTE scheme contribute to its eradication? (250 words)
15 Oct, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Despite comprehensive legislative measures to protect Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, atrocities against these communities continue to persist in India. Examine. (250 words)
24 Sep, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q."The concept of 'development-induced displacement' raises critical questions about the balance between national progress and social justice." Analyze India's rehabilitation and resettlement policies for displaced communities, suggesting improvements to ensure equitable development. (250 words)
17 Sep, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. "Manual scavenging persists despite legal prohibitions, highlighting the gap between legislation and social realities." Evaluate the effectiveness of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013, and suggest measures for its better implementation. (250 words)
10 Sep, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Analyze the root causes of child labor in India. Also, discuss the effectiveness of government programs in eradicating child labor. (250 words)
06 Aug, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Analyze the challenges encountered by Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in India. Suggest effective measures to empower them for full societal participation. (250 words)
16 Jul, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Discuss how digital technologies can be leveraged to promote social inclusion and empower marginalized groups. (150 words)
02 Jul, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Why is there an increasing phenomenon of an ageing population in India? Discuss the vulnerabilities faced by the elderly and propose solutions to empower them. (250 words)
25 Jun, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. "Social justice cannot be achieved without economic empowerment." Discuss this statement in the context of poverty alleviation programs in India. (150 words)
11 Jun, 2024 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Skill development programmes have succeeded in increasing human resources supply to various sectors. In the context of the statement analyse the linkages between education, skill and employment. (Answer in 250 words, UPSC Mains 2023)
26 Dec, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. “Development and welfare schemes for the vulnerable, by its nature, are discriminatory in approach.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (Answer in 250 words, UPSC Mains 2023)
26 Dec, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Explain the constitutional perspectives of Gender Justice with the help of relevant Constitutional Provisions and case laws. (Answer in 250 words, UPSC Mains 2023)
05 Dec, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. The crucial aspect of development process has been the inadequate attention paid to Human Resource Development in India. Suggest measures that can address this inadequacy. (150 Words, UPSC Mains 2023)
14 Nov, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Discuss the need and challenges of sub-categorisation of OBCs in India. How will it affect the existing reservation policy and the social justice agenda?
24 Oct, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Critically examine the arguments for and against legalising same sex marriage in India. What are the constitutional and social implications of such a move? (250 words)
24 Oct, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Who are entitled to receive free legal aid? Assess the role of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) in rendering free legal aid in India. (150 Words) (GS-II, Mains 2023)
19 Sep, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. What are the issues with Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994? Elaborate and suggest measures to tackle them. (150 words)
30 May, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Discuss the significance of the National Food Security Act in ensuring social justice in India. (150 words)
02 May, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Analyze the impact of development projects and policies on tribal communities in India. (150 words)
18 Apr, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. Discuss the role of women in Indian society and politics. (150 words)
21 Mar, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. In what ways can India address issues of gender-based violence and promote the safety and security of women? (150 words)
14 Mar, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. How do issues of housing and homelessness impact social justice and how can we work to address these issues? (150 words)
28 Feb, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice -
Q. How can we work to create a more just and equitable society through education, policy, and grassroots activism? (150 words)
14 Feb, 2023 GS Paper 2 Social Justice