Mashco Piro Tribe | 22 Jul 2024

Source: IE

Recently, the previously uncontacted Mashco Piro tribe emerged in Peru due to encroachment and a search for food and safety

  • The Mashco Piro is the largest uncontacted tribe globally, with over 750 members. They have traditionally lived in isolation in the Amazon rainforest.
    • They occasionally interact with the Yine community, sharing ancestry and language, but these contacts pose health risks due to their lack of immunity to diseases.
    • During the 1880s Rubber Boom, rubber barons invaded their territory, enslaving and subjecting them to severe atrocities.

  • In 2002, Perú established the Madre de Dios Territorial Reserve to protect them, but it covers only a third of the proposed area. 
  • Peru:
    • Country in Western South America, bordered by Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and the Pacific Ocean
    • It is a megadiverse country with habitats ranging from the Andes mountains to the Amazon Basin rainforest.
    • It is influenced by its tropical latitude, mountain ranges, and two ocean currents (Humboldt and El Niño)
    • Major Producer: Lithium, lead, zinc, gold, copper, and silver. 

Read more: 4,000-year-old Temple in Peru