Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit | 09 Sep 2024

Source: IE

Why in News?

Recently, the China hosted Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit in Beijing, attended by 53 African nations, showcased China's evolving approach amidst economic pressures and its efforts to strengthen its partnership with Africa.

What is the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation?

  • Origins: It was established in 2000 to formalise the strategic partnership between China and African nations, with a summit conducted every three years, with host alternating between China and an African member.
  • Participants: The FOCAC counts 53 African nations as its members, with the exception of Eswatini, which has diplomatic ties with Taiwan against China's "One China" Policy.
    • The African Union Commission, the continental bloc tasked with ensuring cooperation and economic integration across its member countries, is also a member.
  • Highlights of 2024 Summit: The summit's theme isJoining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.”
    • Summit aims to address key issues such as governance, industrialization, agricultural upgradation, and furthering China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects.
    • China pledged approximately USD 51 billion of funding to African countries, supporting 30 infrastructure projects across the continent.
    • The summit adopted the Beijing Declaration and the FOCAC-Beijing Action Plan (2025-27), focusing on deepening the China-Africa partnership.

China’s Relations with Africa

  • In 2023, trade between Africa and China reached USD 282 billion, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    • China accounts for 20% of Africa’s exports (primarily primary commodities like metals, mineral products and fuel) and 16% of African imports (mainly manufactured goods, electronics, and machinery).
    • The Tanzania-Zambia Railway, a transnational railway was China’s first major infrastructure project in Africa, marking a significant step in its engagement with the continent.
  • China's investments in Africa, particularly under the BRI, have been significant. African nations have often turned to China for funding due to fewer constraints compared to Western loans, but concerns about "debt trap diplomacy" have emerged, with critics alleging that China's massive loans could lead to geopolitical leverage.

What is India’s Current Engagement with Africa?

  • India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS): The IAFS aimed at strengthening ties, has not been held since 2015. The Covid-19 pandemic delayed the fourth summit, initially planned for 2020.
  • Recent Initiatives: The 2018 guiding principles for Africa focus on prioritising Africa in Indian foreign policy and promoting trade, digital innovation, and climate cooperation.
  • Defence and Security: The India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) highlights India’s commitment to security cooperation.
  • Economic Relations: India is the fourth largest trading partner for Africa with a bilateral trade of about USD 100 billion and cumulative investments of more than USD 75 billion.
  • Digital and Technological Cooperation: India is focusing on leveraging its expertise in digital public infrastructure to support Africa’s digital transformation.


UPSC Civil Services Examination Previous Year Question (PYQ)


Q. Consider the following statements: (2016)

The India-Africa Summit

  1. held in 2015 was the third such Summit
  2. was actually initiated by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)