You searched “Social Empowerment”. Your tag search matches the following results:
The Big Picture: The Labour Code Bills
Why In News? Parliament has passed 3 labour code bills aimed at labour welfare reforms covering more than 50 crores organized and unorganized...
07 Oct 2020 Social Empowerment
This article is based on Rajya Sabha approves three codes subsuming 25 central labour laws which was published in The LiveMint on 23/09/2020. It...
24 Sep 2020 Social Empowerment
Why in News A commission headed by Justice (Retd.) G Rohini has been examining sub-categorisation of Other Backward Classes (OBC) for almost three...
03 Sep 2020 Social Empowerment
Universal Ratification to Child Labour Convention
Why in News Recently, International Labour Organization (ILO)’s convention on Worst Forms of Child Labour also known as Convention No. 182...
14 Aug 2020 Social Empowerment
Reimagining the National Commission for Scheduled Castes
This article is based on the Towards a more equal future which was published in The Indian Express on 22/07/2020. It discusses how the National...
22 Jul 2020 Social Empowerment
Extension to OBC Sub-Categorisation Commission
Why in News Recently, the Union Cabinet has approved a six-month extension to the commission appointed to examine sub-categorisation of Other...
25 Jun 2020 Social Empowerment
World Day Against Child Labour 2020
Why in News Recently the World Day Against Child Labour has been observed on June 12th 2020. Key Points The theme for the year 2020 is Covid-19:...
13 Jun 2020 Social Empowerment
Indian Political Thinker - BR Ambedkar
Introduction Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was one of the main architects of the Indian Constitution. He was...
28 May 2020 Social Empowerment
Devices for Disabled and Elderly
Why in News The Department of Science and Technology has helped in developing various assistive tools, devices and technological solutions to...
14 May 2020 Social Empowerment
Parliamentary Committee On Industrial Relations Code Bill, 2019
Why in News Recently, the Parliamentary Committee on Labour submitted its report on the Industrial Relations Code, 2019. The Industrial Relations...
24 Apr 2020 Social Empowerment
Why in News The week long exhibition-cum-fair “EKAM Fest” is being organised by the National Handicapped Finance Development Corporation...
02 Mar 2020 Social Empowerment
Seven Themes for International Women’s Day 2020
Why in News The Ministries of Women and Child Development with other ministries have launched a campaign from 1st-7th March to celebrate...
02 Mar 2020 Social Empowerment
Establishment of Chairs in the Name of Eminent Women Scientists
Why in News On the occasion of National Science Day (28th February), the Government has announced 11 chairs in the name of eminent Indian women...
02 Mar 2020 Social Empowerment
Cabinet Approves Bill to Regulate Surrogacy
Why in News The Union Cabinet has approved the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2020. The Cabinet incorporated all the recommendations of the Rajya...
27 Feb 2020 Social Empowerment
Establishment of Chairs in the Name of Eminent Women
Why in News On the occasion of National Girl Child Day (24th January), the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Ministry of Women and Child...
25 Jan 2020 Social Empowerment
Plea on Scheduled Caste Status to be Religion Neutral
Why in News The Supreme Court will examine a plea related to Dalit Christians who demand the same quota benefits reserved for Scheduled...
09 Jan 2020 Social Empowerment
Maternity Scheme Exclusionary: PMMVY
Why in News The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) which is a pan-India maternity benefit programme has been criticised for its...
17 Dec 2019 Social Empowerment
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Why in News International Day of Persons with Disabilities was celebrated worldwide on 3rd December 2019. Key Points It was proclaimed in 1992...
04 Dec 2019 Social Empowerment
Convergence of Agriculture and Nutrition
This article is based on "A jan aandolan for nutrition" which was published in The Indian Express on 18/11/2019. It talks about the...
18 Nov 2019 Social Empowerment
Supreme Court on Religious Practices
This article is based on “Fraught course”, “Explained: The three cases SC wants clubbed with Sabarimala review”,...
16 Nov 2019 Social Empowerment