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Recently an international study titled Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECMA) was published. The study found...
18 Mar 2019 Poverty and Developmental Issues
Solutions to Drinking Water Crisis in India: Water ATMs
Recently Safe Water Network has released a report suggesting safe water enterprise as a solution to providing drinking water in Indian cities. Small...
05 Nov 2018 Poverty and Developmental Issues
India’s Failure To Address Its Urban Slum Problem
(The editorial is based on the article “India’s failure to address its urban slum problem” which appeared in Livemint on 23rd...
23 Oct 2018 Poverty and Developmental Issues
India is ranked 130 out of 189 countries in the latest human development Index (HDI) released recently by the United Nations Development Programme...
15 Sep 2018 Poverty and Developmental Issues
(This editorial appears today in The Hindu, August 13, 2018, and provides a good backgrounder and way-forward on the issue of decriminalization of...
13 Aug 2018 Poverty and Developmental Issues