You searched “Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger”. Your tag search matches the following results:
Why in News World Food Day is celebrated to commemorate the establishment of the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on 16th...
17 Oct 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
This article is based on “The road to zero hunger by 2030” which was published in The Hindu on 16/10/2020. It talks about the...
16 Oct 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
South Asia Economic Focus Report: World Bank
Why in News The World Bank has recently released its biennial South Asia Economic Focus report. The fall 2020 edition is titled “Beaten or...
12 Oct 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the World Food Programme (WFP), a United Nations (UN) agency, for its efforts to combat...
10 Oct 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
The article is based on ‘Affordable housing is the solution to urban inequality, exclusion’ which was published in the ‘Hindustan...
09 Oct 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Proposed Amendment to Railways Act 1989
Why in News Recently, the Ministry of Railways has proposed to decriminalise begging on trains or railway premises and compound the offence of...
05 Sep 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
National Mission for Financial Inclusion
Why in News Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) - National Mission for Financial Inclusion, completed its six years of successful...
29 Aug 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News Right to Food Campaign has given a memorandum to the Minister for Women and Child Development to resume provision of hot-cooked meals...
08 Aug 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
UN Report on the Impact of Covid-19 on Children
Why in News According to the recently released UN Report on the Impact of Covid-19 on Children, almost 24 million children could drop out or not...
05 Aug 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News Researchers have claimed that vitamin D deficiency can negatively affect Covid-19 high-risk patients, particularly those who are...
05 Aug 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Higher Food Prices and Nutrition Security
Why in News Recently, the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition in New York has conducted a study titled “Pandemic Prices:...
30 Jul 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
App to Monitor Rice Fields: Paddy Watch
Why in News Researchers from University of Sydney in collaboration with other partners have been developing an app i.e. Paddy watch, which will act...
14 Jul 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Introduction of Locally Produced Millets in ICDS, PDS
Why in News Recently, Odisha has decided to introduce locally produced millets for the first time into Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)...
02 Jul 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News Recently, the Union Finance Minister announced the measures for providing employment and support to businesses, state governments as...
18 May 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News Recently, the Union Finance Minister announced the measures to strengthen Infrastructure Logistics, Capacity Building, Governance and...
16 May 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News Recently, the Union Finance Minister announced the short term and long-term measures for supporting the poor, including migrants,...
15 May 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Why in News The Rights and Risks Analysis Group has sought Indian Prime Minister’s intervention in ensuring food for the Chakma and Hajong...
28 Apr 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Creches Opened Using DMF Funds
Why in News A report by non-profit Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has found that two key mining districts, Keonjhar in Odisha and Anuppur...
27 Apr 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
This article is based on “To ride out Great Lockdown, India needs an Emergency Basic Income” which was published in The LiveMint on...
18 Apr 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Petition Demanding Wages for MGNREGA Workers
Why in News A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition has been filed in the Supreme Court demanding that the government pay full wages to all...
14 Apr 2020 Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger