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You searched “Issues Related to Children”. Your tag search matches the following results:
  • Meal Scheme Hit Due to Lockdown

    Why in News Due to Covid-19 lockdown, implementation of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is affected in large pockets across...

    11 Apr 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Classes in Distance Mode

    Why in News The Centre is planning to start the next academic year virtually. Many schools have been shut since early March due to the COVID-19...

    03 Apr 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Year End Review 2019: Ministry of Women and Child Development

    Important Schemes and Policies Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh Launched in Nov. 2019. Repository of diverse crops across 128 agro-climatic zones in...

    23 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Worldwide Closure of Educational Institutions due to COVID-19

    Why in News According to the estimates of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) the COVID-19 outbreak has...

    23 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Mid Day Meal

    Why in News Recently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) has asked state governments to provide Mid Day Meals (MDM) or food security...

    21 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • School Health Programme : Ayushman Bharat

    Why in News Recently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) informed the Rajya Sabha about the implementation of School Health Programme...

    20 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • National Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding

    The National Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) were released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2004. These are in...

    18 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram

    Why in News Recently, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed the Rajya Sabha about the Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) while...

    18 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • National Creche Scheme

    The National Crèche Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme being implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The scheme was...

    14 Mar 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Kerala High Court Bans Agitations on Campus

    Why in News The Kerala High Court has banned all forms of agitations by student groups on school and college campuses. The Kerala High Court has...

    27 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • ‘A Future for the World's Children’ Report

    Why in News Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and The Lancet medical journal have released ‘A...

    24 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • GoM Reviews Amendments to the JJ Act, 2015

    Why in News Recently, a Group of Ministers (GoM) chaired by the Home Minister met to discuss proposed amendments to the Juvenile Justice (Care and...

    22 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • CHILDLINE India Foundation

    Why in News According to the data compiled by the CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF), 35% of the total cases of sexual abuse were committed by...

    20 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Increasing Neonatal Deaths in MP

    Why in News According to the National Health Mission (NHM) data, Madhya Pradesh has recorded the highest percentage of newborn deaths at 11.5%...

    17 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Treating a Child Witness

    Why in News A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has been filed in the Karnataka High Court, asking for guidelines to be issued to police regarding...

    17 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • National Deworming Day

    Why in News Every year February 10 and August 10 are observed as the National Deworming Days (NDD). The days aim at eradicating intestinal worms...

    11 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • The Big Picture: Pornography - Impact on Children & Society

    The Ad-hoc Committee of the Rajya Sabha was instituted recently by the Chairman of the House to examine and report on the issue of child...

    07 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Lack of Anganwadis in Urban Areas

    Why in News Recently, the government’s response to a Right to Information (RTI) query has revealed that for every 100 anganwadi beneficiaries...

    05 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Missing Women and Children in India

    Why in News Recently, the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has released a study on missing persons (especially on women and children) in...

    04 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

  • Mukti Caravan

    Why in News Mukti Caravan is being run in the state of Rajasthan. Mukti (liberation) Caravan is a campaign to raise awareness about evils like...

    04 Feb 2020 Issues Related to Children

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