You searched “Global Groupings”. Your tag search matches the following results:
Why in News Recently, a virtual Bilateral Summit between India and Italy has been held to comprehensively review the broad framework of the...
07 Nov 2020 Global Groupings
India’s Annual Resolution on Counter-Terror
Why in News Recently, India’s annual resolution on the issue of counter-terrorism was adopted by consensus in the First Committee of the...
06 Nov 2020 Global Groupings
Second Meeting of India-Central Asia Dialogue
Why in News Recently, India virtually hosted the second meeting of the India-Central Asia Dialogue. The first meeting of the dialogue was held in...
29 Oct 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, the 5th meeting of the India-Mexico Bilateral High-Level Group (BHLG) on Trade, Investment and Cooperation has been held...
14 Oct 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, Foreign Ministers from the Group of 4 (G4), consisting of India, Brazil, Japan and Germany, participated in a virtual...
24 Sep 2020 Global Groupings
Initiatives Launched on G20 EMM
Why in News Recently, the G20 Environment Ministers Meeting (EMM) has taken place under the Presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Global...
17 Sep 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News The new UK Internal Market Bill has run into controversy over its impact on talks with the European Union (EU) and on international...
10 Sep 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News The United States of America has urged United Nations members not to support Cuba’s bid to join the United Nations Human Rights...
07 Aug 2020 Global Groupings
G20 Digital Economy Ministers Meeting
Why in News Recently, a virtual meeting of G20 Digital Economy Ministers was hosted by Saudi Arabia in which Indian Union Minister for Electronics...
23 Jul 2020 Global Groupings
UNFCCC COPs In the light of rapid climate change and efforts to mitigate the change, the climate conventions such as UNFCCC remain a very important...
22 Jul 2020 Global Groupings
India Global Week 2020: India Inc.
Why in News Recently, the Prime Minister of India has addressed the inaugural session of a three-day virtual conference of India Global Week 2020...
10 Jul 2020 Global Groupings
Virtual Climate Action Ministerial
Why in News Recently, the 4th edition of the virtual Ministerial on Climate Action was organised to advance discussions on implementation of the...
08 Jul 2020 Global Groupings
China to Join UN Arms Trade Treaty
Why in News Recently, China has decided to join the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (UN-ATT) to regulate its arms sales. Key Points China held...
23 Jun 2020 Global Groupings
Russia-India-China Grouping: RIC
Why in News Recently, the Ministry of External Affairs has announced that it will participate in the virtual meeting of the Russia-India-China (RIC)...
19 Jun 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has approved a $750 million loan to India to strengthen the country’s...
18 Jun 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, the first India-Australia Virtual Leaders’ Summit was held where important strategic decisions, ranging from military...
09 Jun 2020 Global Groupings
India’s Campaign Brochure for UNSC Seat
Why in News Recently, India has released a campaign brochure ahead of the vote for the non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council...
06 Jun 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, the USA has suggested the postponement of the 46th G7 (Group of 7) Summit which was scheduled to be held in June (2020) at...
01 Jun 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, the Government of India has called for bids to roll-out the ‘One Sun One World One Grid’ (OSOWOG) plan. The...
30 May 2020 Global Groupings
Why in News Recently, the United States of America (USA) has announced that it will exit the Open Skies Treaty (OST) due to continuous violation of...
23 May 2020 Global Groupings