You searched “Ethics and Human Interface”. Your tag search matches the following results:
15 Mar 2019 Ethics and Human Interface
"Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right...
15 Mar 2019 Ethics and Human Interface
Case Study -14 : Pilgrimage Centre versus Women Right
You are a senior forest official who has recently been posted in a forest range which has a wildlife sanctuary and pilgrimage center of local hill...
11 Jan 2019 Ethics and Human Interface
Case Study — 13: A #MeToo case study
You are the director of a department that has recently been engulfed in the #MeToo campaign when two of the deputy directors working under you have...
13 Dec 2018 Ethics and Human Interface
Case Study — 11 : Selection Committee's Dilemma in Sports
Q. You have recently become part of the selection committee of three people, which oversees the final selection of the players for a team at the...
23 Nov 2018 Ethics and Human Interface