You searched “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)”. Your tag search matches the following results:
This article is based on “Two big ideas towards green growth: The only viable path to development left to us” which was published on...
14 Jan 2020 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Mandatory Re-grassing After Mining: SC
Why in News Recently, the Supreme Court of India ordered the government to include re-grassing of mined areas as a mandatory condition in every...
09 Jan 2020 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessment
06 Jan 2020 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessment
Introduction Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or...
06 Jan 2020 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Assessment of Plastics Along the West Coast of India
Why in News Recently, National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) conducted a study which states that beaches in Maharashtra are more polluted with...
23 Dec 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
2019 Pollution and Health Metrics: Global, Regional and Country Analysis Report
Why in News The 2019 Pollution and Health Metrics: Global, Regional and Country Analysis report from the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution...
20 Dec 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Why in News Recently, the Supreme Court has permitted Northern Railways to cut over 400 trees in the Taj Trapezium Zone (TTZ) for construction of an...
12 Dec 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
The Big Picture: Eliminating Single Use Plastic
Government of India has laid great emphasis on eradicating single use plastic which has become one of the biggest sources of pollution. During...
05 Oct 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
The government is working to limit procedural delays to reduce the time for environment clearance to 60 days. Background To meet the ambitious...
20 Aug 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Rules Eased for Development in Buffer Zones
The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has relaxed the procedure for environmental clearances of developmental activities in...
17 Aug 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has granted environmental and Coastal Regulatory Zone clearances for setting up...
10 Jul 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Concerns over Genetically Modified Brinjal
This article is based on the editorial “Serious concerns over Bt brinjal” which appeared in The Hindu on 18th June 2019. It talks about...
18 Jun 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Challenges of River Interlinking
This editorial is based on the article 'Waterman finds gaping holes in Ken-Betwa promise', that appeared in Times of India on May 3rd, 2019. Why...
24 May 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
SC Suspended EC For Airport In Goa
The Supreme Court (SC) has suspended the Environmental Clearance (EC) granted for the development of Greenfield International Airport at Mopa in...
01 Apr 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Living Planet Report 2018: Aiming Higher by WWF
Chapter 1- Why Biodiversity matters? The importance of nature in our lives Humans have evolved, grown and thrived, in nature. Modern human...
20 Mar 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
India lost One-Third of its Coastline Due to Soil Erosion
A staggering one-third of almost the entire Indian coastline was lost due to soil erosion in the last 26 years as per the report of the National...
16 Aug 2018 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Protests over Water Aerodrome Project in Chilika
The Union government proposal for setting up of five water aerodromes in the country to promote tourism, including the one at the Chilika lake is...
16 Aug 2018 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)