You searched “E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers”. Your tag search matches the following results:
According to a recent NASSCOM report, yearly growth of agritech startups in India has been at a rate of 25%. India is home to more than 450...
16 Aug 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Mobile Application to Aid Farmers
Government to launch a new mobile application, “Uber for tractors”, which will help in hiring of expensive agricultural...
12 Aug 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Technology and Doubling Farmers’ Income
The Government has constituted an Inter-Ministerial Committee to examine issues relating to doubling of farmers’ income and recommend adoption...
22 Jun 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Transport and Marketing Assistance (TMA) Scheme
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has laid out a detailed procedure for claiming benefits under the Transport and Marketing Assistance (TMA)...
02 Apr 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Karnataka to Use Cloud Seeding
Karnataka government has decided to use cloud seeding operations to enhance rainfall during the monsoons of 2019 and 2020. Karnataka is currently...
11 Mar 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Green Revolution Krishonnati Yojana
Why in News? Recently Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs gave its approval for the Umbrella Scheme, "Green Revolution – Krishonnati...
16 Jan 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Farmer Producer Bodies Need Help
(This editorial is based on the article “Farmer Producer Bodies Need Help” which appeared in BusinessLine on 10th January...
10 Jan 2019 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has launched a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) in India. The centre would aim to bring...
12 Oct 2018 E-Technology in the Aid of Farmers