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Concerns over Genetically Modified Brinjal
This article is based on the editorial “Serious concerns over Bt brinjal” which appeared in The Hindu on 18th June 2019. It talks about...
18 Jun 2019 Cropping Patterns
India's Water Crisis - Every Drop Counts
Maharashtra is facing a water emergency of unprecedented proportions. Following years of drought, the rivers’ currents have ebbed, water in...
18 Jun 2019 Cropping Patterns
Sheath blight is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Rice sheath blight is an increasing concern for rice production, especially in...
15 Jun 2019 Cropping Patterns
According to Coffee board estimates, Uneven blossom showers will bring down this years coffee bean output to almost half of a normal year’s...
29 May 2019 Cropping Patterns
According to some economists and water academics, the water crisis in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra is the outcome of ‘policy...
23 May 2019 Cropping Patterns
ICRISAT Hosts Meet to Tackle Fall Armyworm
Eight nations have come together at the ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics) to understand the challenges and find...
02 May 2019 Cropping Patterns
Fall Armyworm: Fighting the Pest in India
Fall Armyworm (FAW), or Spodoptera frugiperda, is an insect that is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. In its larva stage,...
22 Sep 2018 Cropping Patterns
Emergency Measures to Tackle Pink Bollworm
The state Government of Maharashtra has announced emergency measures to check the menace of pink bollworm (PBW) infestation in parts of the...
16 Aug 2018 Cropping Patterns
Alternative Cereals can Save Water
Replacing rice and wheat with 'less thirsty' crops, such as maize, sorghum, and millet, could dramatically reduce water demand in India, while also...
07 Jul 2018 Cropping Patterns