You searched “Environmental Pollution & Degradation”. Your tag search matches the following results:
This editorial is based on the article 'Aravallis broken beyond repair', which appeared in Down to Earth on April 3rd, 2019. It talks about the...
25 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
An international team of researchers has said that the rogue emissions of a gas (CFC-11) that harms the ozone layer comes from the eastern...
24 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Wastewater Management in India
This editorial is based on the news "Gujarat will supply treated wastewater for industrial use" which appeared in "The Hindu" on 21st May...
22 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
India’s Waste Dumping Proposal Stands Defeated
A proposal by India to prevent developed countries from dumping their electronic and plastic waste into developing countries, was defeated at the...
17 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
In Depth – Biodiversity: Warning Bells
Relentless pursuit of economic growth coupled with climate change has brought an unprecedented one million species at the doorstep of extinction....
16 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
More than 900 hectares of forest land has been gutted in wild-fire in Uttarakhand. The number of forest fires shot up to 14,107 from 4,225 between...
14 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Recently, the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii (USA), has detected the highest levels of planet-warming carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere since...
14 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
BRS Conventions COP Meet in Geneva
The “Triple COPs” meeting is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from April 29th to May 10th, 2019. Basel Convention...
10 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
California is banning a widely used pesticide that has been linked to brain damage in children. The state ban on Chlorpyrifos, a pesticide used on...
10 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Why in News? The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) agreed to a request by the Ministry of Mines (MoM), seeking...
09 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has released a report, Sand and Sustainability: Finding new solutions for environmental governance of...
08 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
UN Report on Species Extinction
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has released the UN report on species extinction. It...
07 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Climate Change and Development in India
This editorial is based on the article 'Parley: Is India doing enough to combat climate change?' which appeared in "The Hindu" on May 3rd, 2019....
06 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Why in news? A 27-year-old hermit in Haridwar, Swami Atmabodhanand, has broken his 194-day fast in protest against sand mining and the upcoming...
06 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Glaciers are set to disappear completely from almost half of World Heritage Sites if business-as-usual emissions continue, according to the...
03 May 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Prayagraj on the Verge of an Epidemic after Kumbh
The NGT has reported the sad state of solid waste management during the months-long religious gathering of Kumbh. Issues raised Inadequate...
26 Apr 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
The Global Forest Watch (GFW) is released by World Resources Institute (WRI) which reveals that India has lost over 1.6 million hectare of tree cover...
26 Apr 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
An international team of scientists has published a way forward known as the Global Deal for Nature (GDN) to prevent the sixth mass extinction on...
24 Apr 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
A team of Greek University students has successfully detected the location of litter in Aegean sea using the European union’s satellite...
23 Apr 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22. Worldwide events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The theme of...
22 Apr 2019 Environmental Pollution & Degradation