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Madhya Pradesh

  • 29 Sep 2023
  • 4 min read
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Madhya Pradesh Switch to Hindi

Voters Aged 80 Years and Above will be honoured at their Place of Residence.

Why In News?

On September 27, 2023, Chief Electoral Officer of Madhya Pradesh Anupam Rajan said that on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons on October 1, as per the instructions of the Election Commission of India, voters of the state aged 80 years and above will be honored.

Key Points:

  • Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan said that the District Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer and Booth Level Officer in the districts will honor the voters above 80 years of age in their respective areas at their place of residence.
  • He said that there are 6 lakh 52 thousand 746 voters above 80 years of age in all 52 districts of the state. There are 2 lakh 61 thousand 58 male voters and 3 lakh 91 thousand 680 female voters.
  • Rewa district of the state has the maximum number of 35 thousand 52 voters above 80 years of age. After this, there are 31 thousand 512 voters of this age group in Indore district. Sheopur district of the state has the least number of voters above 80 years of age, 2 thousand 504.
  • Chief Electoral Officer Rajan said that there are a total of 5,253 voters aged 100 years or more in 52 districts of the state. Of these, 1 thousand 492 are male voters and 3 thousand 761 are female voters.
  • There are 318 voters above 100 years of age in Sehore district of the state. Ujjain district is in second place, with 316 voters of this age group. Sheopur district has the least number of 13 voters in this age group.
  • He said that on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons, the felicitation ceremony will be organized in those villages where voters above 80 years of age reside. The program will be held in the Gram Panchayat building or school building.
  • Only those voters will be invited to the program who are healthy and physically capable of being present at the venue. Senior voters who are unable to attend the program will be honored at their homes.
  • The honor committee of senior voters will include BLO, village Patwari, local teacher, Panchayat Secretary, Anganwadi worker, health worker and employment secretary.
  • If there is more than one polling station at the Panchayat headquarters level, where voters above 80 years of age live, then the program will be organized at only one place.
  • It is noteworthy that last year on the International Day of Older Persons, an innovative innovation was done by the Chief Electoral Officer to honor the centenarian voters in the state. Election Commission of India's Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar and Election Commissioner Anupchandra Pandey participated online in the program and appreciated the program organized in the state. Last year, 4168 centenarian voters were honored during the program.

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