Rajasthan Switch to Hindi
Salgaon Dam Project
Why in News
- On July 28 2021, the long proposed 'Salgaon Dam Project' was approved providing a permanent solution to the drinking water problem of Mount Abu.
Key Points
- Salgaon dam project was proposed in 1977 at an estimated cost of Rs. 27 lakh but now it is estimated to cost Rs. 250 crore.
- Since Mount Abu depends completely on rain for its water supply, the government of Rajasthan had long ago approved Salagaon Dam scheme to facilitate rain water storage.
- The total catchment area of the Salgaon dam in this project is 777.90 hectares and the total filling capacity is estimated at 155.56 million cubic feet.
- The total submergence area of the dam is 52.55 hectares, out of which 5.96 hectares is reserved forest land and 46.59 hectares is private and government land.
- Upper Kodra and Lower Kodra are the main sources of drinking water for the present water projects in Mount Abu. They provide about 42.62 MCFT water annually whereas the present water demand for Mount Abu is estimated at 85.21 MCFT (including schools, army, tourist population).
Rajasthan Switch to Hindi
Be an Exporter Mission
Why in News
- The 'Be an Exporter Mission' was launched by Industries Minister Shri Parsadi Lal Meena in Rajasthan, On July 29, 2021.
- It is worth mentioning that in the Export Preparedness Index (EPI) 2020, the state has been ranked first in the category of Land Locked State and fourth in the entire country.
Key Points
- About:
- Under this mission, such traders and product manufacturers will be encouraged, who are willing to export and want their products to reach the foreign market.
- Training and guidance of technicalities in getting an export license.
- Throughout support from the process of getting an export license to sending the first consignment.
- The registration and membership fee of the Rajasthan Export Promotion Council (REPC) will also be discounted.
- Need:
- In view of the huge export potential in the state and with the aim of encouraging the willing exporters.
- Eligibility:
- Proprietorship, partnership and companies covered under the Companies Act and MSMEs, manufacturers and retailers of any type of product, self-help groups working in Rajasthan and individuals associated with startups can become exporters.