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  • 28 Feb 2023
  • 2 min read
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Uttarakhand Switch to Hindi

Country's First Government Mother Milk Bank will be Made for Orphan Children in the State

Why In News?

On February 27, 2023, Uttarakhand Health Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat announced the creation of the country's first government mother milk bank for Orphan children in the state at Amar Ujala's Emerging Leaders of Garhwal program.

Key points

  • The health minister said that under the scheme, lactating women will be able to donate milk in this bank. Initially, such a bank will be created in the state. He said that this will be the first and separate milk bank of its kind in the country.
  • Through this milk bank, milk will be made available to those new-borns whose mother dies during delivery.
  • Dr. Rawat said that to reduce infant mortality rate in the state, the government is focusing on institutional delivery of pregnant women. Due to the efforts of the government, where Uttarakhand was ranked 32nd in the country in infant mortality rate, it has come down to 26th position today. Efforts are on to reduce it further.
  • The government has decided for free transportation of pregnant women to hospitals. Eja Boi Shagun scheme is also being run, under which Rs 2,000 is given to pregnant women. Rs 1500 is being given to the mothers for food and Rs 500 for the naming ceremony of the child.
  • He said that another plan is being prepared by the government to reduce infant mortality rate. Under this, pregnant women will be kept in home stay 15 days in advance. For this, arrangements will be made in hotels, hospitals etc.

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