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  • 27 Jul 2024
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Venkateshwara's MOU with Brazil

Why in News?

Recently, Shri Venkateshwara University located in Meerut has signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Brazil to promote educational and research collaborations of the students of the two countries.

Key Points

  • The focus will be on student and faculty exchange programs in the fields of dairy, agriculture, biotechnology, health and tourism.
  • Both nations will collaborate on advanced technologies and innovations through joint seminars, workshops, and regular classes.
  • This partnership is considered a substantial step forward in offering students high-quality higher education and international experiences.

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IIT-Kanpur Professor Discovered Exoplanet

Why in News?

An international team of astronomers, including an assistant professor in the Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering (SPASE) at IIT-Kanpur, has discovered a large exoplanet revolving around a nearby star that is similar to our Sun.

Key Points

  • According to the scientific journal Nature, the extrasolar planet known as Epsilon Indi Ab, or Eps Ind Ab, is classified as a 'super-Jupiter' due to its mass being at least six times greater than that of Jupiter.
    • Eps Ind Ab is the first mature exoplanet (a planet outside our solar system) to be discovered using the direct imaging technique.
  • Using the James Webb Space Telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument, the international team of astronomers has directly imaged a new exoplanet orbiting the K5V-type star Epsilon Indi A (also known as HD 209100 or HI).
    • The direct imaging of a nearby mature exoplanet represents a significant milestone in the field of space exploration.
  • The recently identified planet is situated 12 light-years from the Earth and is frigid, with a temperature around -1°C (30°F).
    • Its orbit is also tremendous, revolving around its star at a distance 28 times greater than the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

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