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Madhya Pradesh

  • 26 Jun 2023
  • 3 min read
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Madhya Pradesh Switch to Hindi

CRISP, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana BSEH signed an MoU

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According to the information given by the Public Relations Department of Madhya Pradesh on June 25, 2023, CRISP will provide digital certificate printing and online verification service to the Haryana School Education Board (BSEH) with the blockchain technology developed by Madhya Pradesh. For this, an agreement was signed between CRISP Madhya Pradesh and BSEH on June 22.

Key Points:

  • This agreement has been signed between both the institutions for 3 years, in which certificates will be prepared for the candidates who have passed more than 5 lakh regular and supplementary examinations every year. The certificate processing will be done after the blockchain digital certificate is generated using public blockchain technology.
  • Encrypted digital certificates will also be given to the students for online verification through the BSEH website, wherein the Board will also have a provision for printing physical copies of the records using the encrypted records.
  • Dr. Shrikant Patil, Managing Director, CRISP, said that this is one of its kind initiative with the Haryana Government, in which the blockchain technology developed by CRISP is being used for the betterment of the students. Will also work with different states of India in future.
  • The organization is also certified for Capability Maturity Integration Level 5, which is considered to be the best certification in the IT and e-Governance sector.
  • Amol Vaidya, director of CRISP, explained that the blockchain-based authentication system is aimed at preventing fraudulent activities related to identity theft and giving the correct credentials to students.
  • Head of IT Sandeep Jain informed that CRISP is providing state-of-the-art IT-enabled services to various departments in Madhya Pradesh and other states as well. It aims to make CRISP synonymous with skill development.
  • It is known that CRISP is working with various universities across India to bring such advanced technology into the education system.
  • The blockchain-based certification system is the first of its kind to be implemented in any secondary education board, which will provide authenticity of records by BSE Haryana by verifying the individual/specific data of the candidate through a decentralized mechanism.
  • Center for Research and Industrial Staff Performance (CRISP) has been working in the field of Training, Research & Skill Development for the last 27 years. This institute also provides solutions in the IT sector.
  • CRISP, the futuristic technology lab, has been developing advanced IT solutions using blockchain/AI/ML/robotic automation and other futuristic technologies.

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