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Rajivika's Women's Organic Products to be certified
Why in News?
- On May 24, 2022, an MoU was signed between Rajivika and Rajasthan State Seed and Biological Certification Institute for certification of organic products produced by the women self-help groups of Rajivika.
Key Points
- Under the MoU, organic products produced by women self-help groups of Rajivika will be certified by the State Seed and Biological Certification Agency.
- 2780 hectares of organic farming will be done in 353 villages of 19 blocks of eight districts by members of the Women Self Help Group formed by Rajivika.
- Certification of organic products of women farmers will make it easier to market certified organic products. This will pave the way for the economic self-reliance of women who produce these organic products as well as promote eco-friendly organic farming.
- Rajasthan Seeds and Certification Organization will provide support to self-help group women in organic farming and certification for a period of three years.