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  • 25 Jul 2023
  • 4 min read
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Chhattisgarh Switch to Hindi

Raipur to become Papaya Producing District, Included In One Poduct-One District Scheme

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On July 23, 2023, according to the information given by the Public Relations Department of Chhattisgarh, the process of giving encouragement and training to the farmers was started by the Horticulture Department regarding papaya cultivation on a large scale in Raipur district. Raipur district has been selected for papaya cultivation under the 'One Product-One District Scheme'.

Key Points:

  • This information was given on July 21 in a workshop organized on the topic of papaya production towards nutrition under One Product-One District. This workshop was organized at Labhandi by the Horticulture Department and Krishi Vigyan Kendra Raipur under the guidance of Avinash Mishra, CEO of District Panchayat Raipur, in which a large number of farmers participated.
  • Papaya plant of the Arka Prabhat variety, developed at the Indian Institute of Horticulture, Bangalore, has been brought to Raipur to make available papaya plants with improved and disease-resistant capacity to the farmers. With its help, preparations have been started to prepare nurseries and provide Arka Prabhat saplings to the farmers for planting.
  • The speciality of Arka Prabhat, a new variety of papaya, is that it is resistant to spot viruses. The plant remains disease-free due to its high immunity to fight viruses.
  • Encouraging the farmers to cultivate papaya in the workshop, Deputy Director Horticulture Kailash Singh Paikra said that for its cultivation, the government is giving 50 percent subsidy to the farmers and loan up to Rs. 3 lakh without interest.
  • He said that papaya is a nutritious fruit. Its leaves are also useful. Healthy papaya plants are also available at horticulture nurseries and agriculture centres. For its cultivation, information is being given to the farmers by the officers of the department and the employees of the area.
  • General Manager, District Trade Industry Ameya Tripathi informed the farmers about papaya marketing, maintenance in coal storage and the Prime Minister's Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme. He said that farmers can take advantage of this and increase their business.
  • Scientist Dr. Neeraj Mishra told the farmers that papaya is the most nutritious and many types of processed products can be made from this fruit, such as Jam, Jelly, Katri, Candy etc. Its juice and nectar are also in high demand. Papaya powder can also be made. Besides producing papaya and selling it in the market, farmers can earn more profit if they pay attention to its processing and value addition.
  • Scientist Manoj Kumar Sahu said that to protect papaya cultivation from viruses and bugs, neem oil mixed with shampoo should be sprinkled. Planting a marigold flower plant around the papaya tree helps in keeping the papaya plant safe from diseases.

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