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Madhya Pradesh

  • 25 Feb 2022
  • 3 min read
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Madhya Pradesh Switch to Hindi

Country's First Government Women's Cricket Academy

Why in News

  • On February 24, 2022, Madhya Pradesh Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Yashodhara Raje Scindia informed that the country's first government women's cricket academy will be opened in Shivpuri for the young daughters of the state.

Key Points

  • This will be the 11th academy of the state. Till now there are athletics, shooting, horse riding, water sports, martial arts, men's hockey, women's hockey, badminton, archery and men's cricket academies in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The talent search for Madhya Pradesh State Women's Cricket Academy will start from February 28. Players between the ages of 14 and 21 can participate in this talent search program. The first talent search for the academy will be held in Indore on February 28 and March 1. Players from all the districts of Indore and Ujjain divisions will be involved in this.
  • Talent search will be held on March 2 and 3 in Bhopal for the districts of Bhopal, Narmadapuram and Sagar divisions, on March 4 and 5 in Jabalpur for the districts of Jabalpur division and on March 7 and 8 in Shivpuri for the districts of Gwalior and Chambal divisions.
  • The facilities of education, accommodation, food, training kit are provided free of cost to the selected players in all the academies by the Sports Department.

Madhya Pradesh Switch to Hindi

Pilot Project of MBBS Course in Hindi

Why in News

  • On February 24, 2022, in the meeting of the Hindi Curriculum High Committee constituted in connection with the introduction of courses in Hindi in Madhya Pradesh, State Medical Education Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang said that the pilot project of MBBS studies in Hindi will be started from Gandhi Medical College.

Key Points

  • Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang informed that a systematic course is being prepared by duly constituting a Hindi cell. It includes experts from different fields.
  • In parallel, this arrangement is being made as an aid to the students studying in Hindi medium. Along with English, preparations are also being made to provide Hindi books.
  • As an innovation, the books of 3 subjects of the first year are being adapted keeping in mind the practical side. Tools and platforms are being provided to the students using Devanagari.
  • The Faculty of Medical College has also been instructed to take classes in Hindi while explaining to the students. Three war-rooms are being built for three subjects.
  • He said that Madhya Pradesh would be the first state in the country which started this innovation and Madhya Pradesh would be the leader in implementing it in future also.

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