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  • 24 Dec 2022
  • 4 min read
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Rajasthan Switch to Hindi

Women and Child Development Minister inaugurates Rashtriya Amrita Haat

Why in News?

  • On December 23, 2022, Rajasthan Women and Child Development Minister Mamta Bhupesh inaugurated the Rashtriya Amrita Haat at Shilpagram on Jawahar Kala Kendra campus in Jaipur.

Key Points

  • Women and Child Development Minister Mamta Bhupesh said that this fair will be held from December 23 to January 1, 2023, in which Jaipur will be able to buy their favorite products.
  • Speaking on the occasion, he said that the products made by Women from Rural Areas are an example of excellent Workmanship and skills and Jaipur Rights can also contribute to the State Government's Campaign for Women Empowerment by purchasing their products.
  • The State Government is providing opportunities to women to grow as Entrepreneurs by providing loans granted by banks to them through Schemes like IM Shakti Udyog Protsahan Yojana.
  • Mamta Bhupesh said that the Directorate of Women Empowerment of the Women and Child Development Department provides a market to the women of Self-Help Groups through the National Amrita Haat, while the people of Jaipur get an opportunity to exhibit and buy handmade products from all over the State at one place.
  • It is known that The National Amrita Haat is organized every year.
  • In Rashtriya Amrita Haat, products of Women Self-Help Groups of all districts of Rajasthan State are being exhibited and sold. In this, Women have got the opportunity to sell the best workman's products at more than 140 stalls, including Handicrafts, Embroidery, Lakh Bangles, Papermaking Items, Salwar-Suits, Terracotta, Artificial Jewellery, Chicken and Zari work, Glass and Patch Work, Favorite Pickles, Marmalade, Spices and other handmade attractive products are available.

Rajasthan Switch to Hindi

Raj Sakhi Cafe inaugurated in Sriganganagar district

Why in News?

  • On December 23, 2022, Govind Ram Meghwal, Sri Ganganagar district in-charge and Disaster Management Minister of Rajasthan, launched Raj Sakhi Cafe to provide food products made by Women of Rajivika Self Help Group under one roof.

Key Points

  • Speaking on the occasion, District Collector Saurabh Swami said that the Women have joined the group and are taking training from PNB RSETI and starting Self-Employment in their village and making handmade products. Raj Sakhi Cafe has been started by Rajivika to promote the livelihood of these group members.
  • He said that food items prepared by Self-Help Group Women in Government Offices will be encouraged to order during training and meetings, so that the livelihood of women can be increased.
  • Rajivika District Project Manager Dr. Deepali Sharma describing this initiative as auspicious for the area, said that the general public should also come to Rajivika Raj Sakhi Cafe and encourage them by eating food products made by these Women. In this, food products made by Women of Self-Help Groups like Tea, Kachori, Samosa, Cookies, Bhelpuri, Sandwich, Veg Burger, Pakoda etc. will be available for sale.

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