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Separate Project Monitoring unit will be Formed for 'Abua Awas Yojana'
Why In News?
On October 23, 2023, the state government announced the formation of a separate Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) under the 'Abua Awas Yojana' to carry out the responsibility of providing housing to the people and performing the work.
Key Points:
- The PMU will have responsibilities ranging from selection of beneficiaries to appointment of contract workers and social audit.
- Eight lakh houses are to be constructed by the year 2026. The new three-room house will be constructed at a cost of Rs 2 lakh, and the amount will be available to the beneficiaries through the state government.
- For this, 100 percent financial assistance will be provided by the state government for the construction of 331 square meters. According to the target, the amount under this scheme will be provided in the annual budget of the Rural Development Department, Government of Jharkhand.
- At the state level, 2% of the programme funds will be available for the administrative operation of the scheme at the state level and this amount will be allocated to the districts based on demand and utilization.
- Implementation, supervision and monitoring of the scheme through IT (hardware and software) and communication systems, office expenses, contingency expenses/expenses etc. Data entry etc. will also be done through PMU.
- In addition, the expenditure for establishment and operation of PMUs, including appointment of personnel on contract with admissible benefits such as insurance, EPF, medical insurance, etc. The cost of training and certification of masons and other necessary training expenses will also be incurred through PMU.
- Apart from this, along with conducting information, education and communication activities, distribution of awards, review meetings, workshops etc. will also be organized by the PMU.
- From gram panchayat to block development officer's office, the responsibility of wall writing of the list of primary beneficiaries, wall writing of the list of trained masons etc. is the responsibility of the PMU.
- Along with this, honorarium to cluster resource persons and service charges to NGOs will also be paid through PMUs.