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  • 24 Feb 2022
  • 4 min read
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Chhattisgarh Switch to Hindi

Digital Technology Sabha-2022 Award

Why in News

  • For making educational activities easier through technology in Chhattisgarh, the School Education Department of the state was awarded the Digital Technology Sabha-2022 Award by the National Indian Express Group in a virtual conference.
    • This award has been given to N.I.C. Senior Technical Director of A.K. Posted by Somashekar.

Key Points

  • The award has been given for the use of Nclear App and Telepractice App developed in collaboration with NIC for academic assessment of school children. Through the above two apps being used by the Education Department, assessment and monitoring of school children can be done easily.
  • In Nclear, children are given a QR code card with their ID, whose expenditure on 40 students for a year comes to just Rs 20. Children have to keep this card safe with them.
  • The biggest advantage of the Nclear app is that when teachers ask multiple choice questions in the classroom, children have to hold and display the card based on the correct answer in a particular direction. The cards of all the children are scanned remotely by the teacher from one place in the class with his mobile camera. Students are automatically assessed as soon as they are scanned and question wise, student wise reports can be viewed by the teacher and at various levels. In this, the teachers get rid of the hassle of checking the answer of each question and giving marks.
  • Similarly, for assessment of students, oral quizzes can be conducted with children through a tele-practice app developed by NIC. For this, by adding students to the Telegram group, through a program called Python, pictures and written questions are sent on the screen by sending voice messages to the children.
  • Oral answers to these questions are given by the students. In this program, the responses of the students together in the form of a film can be seen by the individual students, their teachers and parents. Teachers can give marks based on the answer of each question by watching student wise videos.
  • Through this program, the time of both teachers and students is saved by having the provision of answering questions to many students at the same time. Teachers also find it easier to check the status of each student and save time.
  • The possibility of wrong assessment can also be avoided by having proof of such assessment. Each student has the opportunity to watch their own video with questions and answers based on their answers. All this makes the job of teachers very easy.
  • During the Corona Period, the School Education Department of Chhattisgarh State has established its identity in the whole country in terms of innovation and digital technology in education. The nation has appreciated the technique of providing home-based education to school children during the Corona crisis by the School Education Department. 'Padhai Tuhar Duar' has also received awards at the national level for this.

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