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  • 23 Apr 2024
  • 3 min read
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Haryana Switch to Hindi

Haryana CM Orders Assessment Of Crops

Why in News?

According to Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini an assessment has been ordered to assess the crop damage caused by hailstorms in order to compensate the affected farmers.

Key Points

  • Meanwhile, Haryana Chief Secretary stressed the need to expedite the lifting of stocks from the mandis insisting that at least 50% of the stocks be promptly transferred to the godowns.
    • The Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs department has also authorised the district authorities to utilize vehicles owned by commission agents (Arhatis) for transporting crops from the mandis to warehouses.
    • The administrative secretaries along with officers involved in Rabi crop procurement were instructed to make the payment to farmers within 72 hours.
    • The officers are instructed that farmers should not face any problem in selling their crops and payment for the crops should be ensured within the stipulated period under all circumstances.


  • Hail is a type of solid rain made up of balls or lumps of ice.
  • Storms that produce hail that reaches the ground are known as hailstorms. They are most common in the midlatitudes.
  • They typically last for not more than 15 minutes but can cause injuries to people and damage buildings, vehicles, and crops.
  • Hailstorms can sometimes be accompanied by other severe weather events, such as cyclones and tornadoes.
  • The size of hailstones can vary widely, from small pellets less than 1/4 inch in diameter to larger stones measuring several inches in size.
  • Conditions for Hailstorms to occur:
    • Highly developed Cumulonimbus clouds need to be present. These are the massive anvil or mushroom-shaped clouds that are seen during thunderstorms, which can reach heights of up to 65,000 feet.
    • There must be strong currents of air ascending through these clouds. These currents are commonly known as updrafts.
    • The clouds will need to contain high concentrations of supercooled liquid water.

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