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Vidhan Sabha's iOS Mobile App
Why in News
- On February 22, 2022, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Secretary Mahavir Prasad Sharma launched the Vidhan Sabha's iOS (iPhone Operating System) based mobile app in the Vidhan Sabha.
Key Points
- The Secretary of the Vidhan Sabha informed that the latest information related to the work of the Vidhan Sabha will be available in this app developed by the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly in collaboration with the National Informatics Center, leading in this latest technology.
- In this app questions, motions, bills, agenda, session review, budget speech, Governor's address, details of the proceedings of the House, procedure and business rules and news clippings will also be available for the use of the members of the Legislative Assembly. Biographies of important persons will also be available in this app.
- It is noteworthy that the Android based mobile app of the assembly has been running in the past. This app has been released for the convenience of users with iPhone operating system devices.