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Uttar Pradesh

  • 22 Dec 2022
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Uttar Pradesh Switch to Hindi

Uttar Pradesh at 31st Place in Making Social Progress

Why In News?

  • Recently the Prime Minister's Council for Economic Advice (EAC-PM) has released a Social Progress Index report, in which each state in the country has been given a rank in terms of social progress. Uttar Pradesh has been ranked 31st in this report.

Key Points

  • The Council has based on three dimensions and 12 components to prepare the EAC-PM Social Progress Index. The first dimension is 'Basic Human Needs'. It consists of four components (i) nutrition and basic medical care, (ii) water and sanitation, (iii) shelter and (iv) personal safety.
  • The second dimension is the foundation of well-being, the four components involved are (i) access to basic knowledge, (ii) access to information and communication, (iii) health and well-being and (iv) environmental quality.
  • Similarly, the third dimension is challenge, which includes (i) individual rights, (ii) personal freedom and choice, (iii) inclusivity and (iv) access to advanced education as components.
  • Uttar Pradesh's performance in all these three dimensions and components was, on average, normal. The state has fared better in providing housing under only two components - availability of drinking water and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban.
  • Uttar Pradesh, which ranks first in the country in terms of population, has come at 31st position with 49.16 points in the Social Progress Index.
  • In this index, Pondicherry has got 65.99 points, while Jharkhand, the last state, has got 43.95 points.
  • The index's ranking is divided into 6 levels, the first level being very high social progress, second high social progress, third upper middle social progress, fourth low middle social progress, fifth low social progress and sixth very low social progress level. Uttar Pradesh has reached the fifth lowest social progress level in this index of social progress. Along with Uttar Pradesh, the states of Odisha and Madhya Pradesh are also included in this level.
  • Significantly, the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister along with the Institute for Competitiveness and Social Progress Imperative released the Social Progress Index for states and districts of India. The report presents a comprehensive picture of social progress in India by evaluating changes in the performance of some key indicators since 2015-16.
  • Further, the report highlights the progress made by the country's 112 aspirational districts, helping them track their social progress and understand areas that need more attention.

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