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Guru Ghasidas University becomes Partner of Malaysian University
Why in News
- Recently Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, became an international participant in a postgraduate seminar organized by Kelantan University, Malaysia on the topic 'Research and Innovation towards Sustainable Food System'.
Key Points
- A letter of appreciation has been issued to Guru Ghasidas University for being an international participant in the program organized by the Faculty of Agro-based Industry of Kelanton University.
- The conference was organized by Guru Ghasidas University School of Life Sciences and Kelanton University in online mode.
- Yogyakarta University (Indonesia), Yogi Vemana University (Andhra Pradesh), Princess of Naradhivas University (Thailand) and Vikram Singhpuri University (Andhra Pradesh) also joined as partners.