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Atharva Akshat won medal in ISSO
Why In News?
Atharva Akshat, a class VIII student of DPS (CHAS) Bokaro won a medal in the results of International Social Studies Olympiad, 2021-22, published on April 20, 2022.
Key Points
- International Social Studies Olympiad, 2021-22 exam was conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation based in New Delhi in online mode.
- The Science Olympiad Foundation organizes an Olympiad every year, in which students from hundreds of schools across the country participate.
- All the activities of the Foundation have always been aimed at making learning an interesting and interactive process, in which the learner is able to truly test his/her skills, memory, talents and knowledge.
- Apart from this the Foundation organizes the following Olympiads-
- National Cyber Olympiad
- National Science Olympiad
- International Mathematics Olympiad
- International General Knowledge Olympiad
- International Commerce Olympiad