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Madhya Pradesh

  • 22 Mar 2025
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Madhya Pradesh Switch to Hindi

MP Heritages Sites in UNESCO's Tentative List

Why in News? 

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has included 4 historical heritage sites of Madhya Pradesh state in its tentative list of World Heritage Sites . 

Key Points 

  • About historical monuments:  
    • Edicts of Emperor Ashoka:   
      • Emperor Ashoka's edicts are among the oldest written records in India, dating back to  around 2200 years . 
      • These inscriptions not only highlight the important events of his reign , but also reflect his policies towards  Buddhism, morality and society. 
      • These contain messages related to non-violence, kindness, religious tolerance and public welfare , which reflect  the then administrative outlook and efforts towards social reform . 
      • In Madhya Pradesh these inscriptions are mainly located in Sanchi (Raisen), Rupnath (Jabalpur), Gujara (Datia) and Panguraria (Sehore). 
    • Sixty-four Yogini Temple: 
      • The Sixty-Four Yogini Temples, built between the 9th and 12th centuries, are famous for Tantric traditions and their distinctive circular architecture . 
      • These temples located in Mitawali (Morena), Khajuraho, Jabalpur, Mandsaur and Shahdol  in Madhya Pradesh are very important from historical and cultural point of view.  
      • In particular the Chausath Yogini Temple of Mitawali , due to its circular structure , is considered to be the inspiration for the Indian Parliament House , which reflects its unique architectural style. 
    • Temples of the Gupta period:  
      • Built during the 5th-6th century, these Gupta period temples are a symbol of excellence of Indian architecture and amazing carvings.  
      • In their architecture one can see a unique co-ordination of  the craftsmanship, religious beliefs and architectural techniques of that era . 
      • Located at Udayagiri (Vidisha), Nachana (Panna), Tigwa (Katni), Bhumara (Satna) and Sakor (Damoh) in Madhya Pradesh , these temples provide living evidence of the excellence of ancient Indian architecture and craftsmanship . 
    • Forts and palaces of Bundela rulers:  
      • Built with an excellent combination of Rajput and Mughal architecture , these forts and palaces are a wonderful example of Bundela craftsmanship and military strategy . 
      • These are not only historically important but also symbolize  the military prowess and cultural heritage of the Bundela kings. 
      • Located at major historical sites of Madhya Pradesh —Garhkundar Fort, Raja Mahal, Jehangir Mahal (Orchha) and Datia Palace —these heritage sites still attract tourists with their grandeur and architectural beauty . 


  • UNESCO i.e. 'United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization' is a part of the United Nations. 
  • Headquarters - Paris (France) 
  • Formed - November 16, 1945 
  • Function- To promote international peace through education, natural and social sciences, culture and communication. 
  • Objective - Its objective is to establish peace and security through international cooperation in education and culture, so that a global consensus can be formed for justice, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedom described in the Charter of the United Nations. 

UNESCO Tentative List 

  • UNESCO's Tentative List is a list of properties that each State Party wishes to consider for nomination. 
  • As per UNESCO ’s Operational Guidelines, 2019, any monument/site must remain on the provisional list for one year before it can be considered for the final nomination dossier. 
  • Once the nomination is done, it is sent to the World Heritage Centre (WHC). 

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