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Socialist Thinker and Writer Sachchidanand Sinha received 'Satrachi Samman'
Why In News?
Socialist thinker and writer Sachchidanand Sinha was awarded the ‘Satrachi Samman’ for the year 2023 by the Satrachi Foundation at a function held in Muzaffarpur on September 20, 2023.
Key Points:
- Famous writer-thinker and political intellectual Sachchidanand Sinha was given a check of fifty-one thousand rupees, a certificate of honor, a cloth and a memento as a mark of respect.
- It is known that for Satrachchi Samman 2023, The selection committee was constituted under the chairmanship of Prof. Veer Bharat Talwar.
- It is noteworthy that ‘Satrachi Samman’ was started in 2021 by Satrachi Foundation, Patna. The objective of ‘Satrachi Samman’ is to ‘underline writings related to rightful social concerns.
- Premkumar Mani in 2021 and Prof. Chauthiram Yadav in 2022 have been honored with this recognition.
- Sachchidanand Sinha
- Sachchidananda was born in 1928.
- Sachchidanand Sinha remained active as a writer, thinker, speaker, journalist, editor and activist throughout his life. The sources of his ideology remained within the socialist ideology, but he expressed his belief in taking a critical view towards socialist politics and its leaders.
- Some of his major books: Chaos and Creation (Arup aur Akar), Sanskriti Vimarsh, Culture and Socialism, manav sabhyata aur rashtra-raajya, Adventures of Liberty, Zindagi: sabhyata ke hashiye par, kadavi phasal, nihattha paigambar, marksvaad ki lohiyawadi samiksha, naksali andolan ka vaicharik sankat, Emergency in Perspective - Reprieve and Challenge etc.