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Chambal Jackfruit Festival
Why in News?
On June 20, 2022, 'Chambal Jackfruit Festival' was organized at 'Pachanada', the confluence of five rivers including Chambal, which was infamous for the terror of bandits.
Key Points
- This was the first time that the Jackfruit Festival was organized on the banks of this confluence of rivers. Here people gained information not only about jackfruit, but also about the production of jackfruit.
- The Chambal Foundation has been continuously striving for many years to bring the positive identity of the Chambal Valley to the world.
- The Chambal Jackfruit Festival showcased jackfruits brought from several states. Born in the ruggedness of Chambal, the largest sized jackfruit as well as the colorful jackfruit of Thailand caught the attention of the people.
- It is worth mentioning that in the British period, jackfruit was cultivated on a large scale in the Chambal region. In a heinous crime like murder, five jackfruit trees were granted bail. In the Chambal valley, cooked jackfruit is not eaten, while there is a lot of trend in the country to eat cooked jackfruit like the taste of banana and pineapple.