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  • 20 Sep 2022
  • 3 min read
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Jharkhand Switch to Hindi

Digital and Azim Premji University to Open in Jharkhand

Why In News?

  • On September 19, 2022, Governor Ramesh Bais approved the Kaushal Vidya Entrepreneurship, Digital and Skill Universities Bill, 2022 and the Azim Premji University Bill, 2022, passed by the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly in the monsoon session.

Key Points

  • Kaushal Vidya Entrepreneurship, Digital and Skill University will be run in collaboration with the State Government and Prejha Foundation (Pan IT Alumni Rich for Jharkhand Foundation). Its headquarter will be in Khunti.
  • Initially eight polytechnic institutes will be attached to this university. From here other academic courses like certificate, diploma, graduation, post-graduation etc. will run.
  • As a private university, the headquarters of Azim Premji University will be in Ranchi. The state government is providing land in Itki. Professional courses like engineering, medical, management etc. will start from this university.
  • The chancellor of the digital university will be the governor, while the president will be the head of the university. They will be appointed by the nodal agency for three years on the recommendation of the selection committee. The vice-chancellor will be appointed for three years on the recommendation of the selection committee by the chairman, while in other universities, the vice-chancellor is appointed by the governor--chancellor. Apart from this, vice-chancellor, pro-vice chancellor, registrar, chief finance and accounts officer, dean etc. will be appointed in the university.
  • Azim Premji University will be the 16thprivate university in Jharkhand. In this, five percent seats will be reserved for students from economically weaker sections, while 25 percent seats will be reserved for students from Jharkhand, the university will not get any grant-in-aid or other financial assistance from the state government or the central government. VC, PROVC, Registrar, Teachers will be appointed.
  • Objective of Digital University:
    • Providing career-oriented education and skills to students wishing to enter entrepreneurship directly or startup.
    • To provide life-long training opportunities to students through various courses through online education and other means.
    • To create an option based credit system for competency based skills and vocational education.
    • To provide practical, professional and skill based training focused teaching in line with the market and industry.

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