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  • 20 Aug 2022
  • 2 min read
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Jharkhand Switch to Hindi

Jharkhand's private universities to be de-recognised

Why In News?

  • Recently, Jharkhand Governor Ramesh Bais has ordered the Higher and Technical Education Department to cancel the recognition of private universities not fulfilling the conditions of UGC guidelines and state government guidelines.

Key Points

  • Governor Ramesh Bais has ordered de-recognition of private universities for not submitting the report sought within 15 days in the course of investigation. It has also asked to cancel the recognition of those private universities on the basis of the investigation report which do not fulfill the prescribed conditions.
  • It is worth mentioning that the Governor had constituted a committee under the chairmanship of the Director of Higher Education in the last week of June and ordered the department to investigate all private universities in two months.
  • Apart from the committee, four sub-committees have been constituted by the department and reports have been sought from 16 private universities for investigation. On this, the Governor directed to take action against the universities which did not give the report within 15 days.
  • If a university does not give a report and does not cooperate in the investigation, action can be taken to cancel the recognition by seeking an explanation from the director of the university.
  • It is noteworthy that private universities were recognized on the condition that they would build the required land in two years and infrastructure in three years. Many universities did not fulfill these conditions even after the prescribed period. It is also mandatory for private universities to get accreditation from NAAC in five years and audit every year. All these are being checked.

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