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MoU Between NHM and WISH Foundation
Why in News
On February 18, 2022, an MoU was signed between NHM Rajasthan and its technical partner institute 'WISH Foundation' at Swasthya Bhawan with the aim of improving the essential facilities and services as per the National Quality Assurance Standard in the state hospitals and health centers of Rajasthan.
Key Points
- Minister of Medical Health & Services, Parsadi Lal Meena informed that due to this MoU for a period of three years, necessary reforms will be brought in proper utilization of medical services and resources available at 100 health centers of the state as per national standards.
- Under these programmes, health centers are inspected by skilled monitors at various levels. According to monitoring, marks are given for each service, on the basis of which three-year certificate and financial amount are given to the winning health institutions.