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  • 16 Sep 2021
  • 1 min read
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Jharkhand Switch to Hindi

'Emerald or Panna' Found in Gurbandha of Singhbhum

Why in News

  • In the recent survey being conducted by the Geological Survey of India (GSI), there is an estimate of Emerald or Panna reserves in an area of 25 sq km. in Gurbandha of East Singhbhum district.

Key Points

  • It is worth noting that the survey is being done by GSI by drone from September 7, 2021, in which the possibility of getting emeralds in Chawri Buru hills located in Gurbandha and Tharkugoda has been expressed.
  • Emerald green-colored beryl is a precious stone of the mineral family. Since it is considered a symbol of prosperity, it is used as ornaments from the point of view of astrology.

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