Uttarakhand Switch to Hindi
New Industrial Policy Implemented in the State: Entrepreneurs will Now get Subsidy in Instalments, Not One Time
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On September 13, 2023, Nainital District Industries General Manager of Uttarakhand, S.K. Pant said that a new industrial policy has been implemented in the state, under which instead of a one-time subsidy on completion of the project, it will now be distributed in installments.
Key Points
- In the new policy, the slabs have been changed and divided into four categories instead of five. A and B categories include hilly districts and C and D categories include most of the plain areas.
- To promote micro, small and medium industries, capital subsidy and interest have also been increased in the scheme.
- It is known that in a major change in the new policy made in August, subsidy on investment up to Rs 1 crore will be given in two installments within two years in micro category industries. Investments ranging from Rs 1 crore to Rs 50 crore will get subsidy in five installments within five years.
- The new rule also states that investors in primary and very primary category manufacturing enterprises of natural fibre, products marked in one district or two products, manufacturing enterprises of GI tagged products and food processing enterprises will also get additional capital support as per the rules.
- Apart from this, Scheduled Caste, Tribe and women entrepreneurs have been included in the very priority category for encouragement. Under this, additional subsidy will be given up to a maximum limit of Rs 10 lakh for investments of Rs 1 crore, Rs 15 lakh for investments between Rs 1 to Rs 10 crore and Rs 20 lakh for investments of Rs 10-50 crore.
- It is known that in the previous industrial policy, a subsidy up to Rs 40 lakh, i.e. up to 40 percent, was being given in A category (capital investment). There was a provision of subsidy up to Rs 35 lakh in B category, Rs 30 lakh in C category and Rs 15 lakh in D category.
- In the new policy of MSME, a rule has been made to give 50 percent subsidy to those investing up to Rs 1 crore in A category. Apart from 50 percent profit on investment between Rs 1 to 5 crore, there will be an additional profit of 25 percent on investment above that, the maximum limit of which has been kept at Rs 1.50 crore. In this category, the limit of subsidy has been kept at a maximum of Rs 2.5 crore for investments of Rs 5-10 crore and a maximum of Rs 4 crore for investments of Rs 10 to 50 crore.
- Similarly, 40 percent subsidy will be available on investment up to Rs 1 crore in B category, 30 percent subsidy on investment up to Rs 1 crore in C category and Rs 20 lakh on investment up to Rs 1 crore in D category. On top of this, there is a provision for additional subsidy on investment also.
Uttarakhand Switch to Hindi
Young Women will Take Responsibility of Cow Protection in Uttarakhand
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In the joint meeting held on September 14, 2023 by the Uttarakhand Public Works, Panchayati Raj, Urban Development and Animal Husbandry Department regarding the construction and operation of Gaushala, Kanji House for destitute cattle, instructions have been given that the responsibility for the safety of cattle in the hilly areas will be taken by the youth-Women.
Key Points
- It was decided in this meeting that only after the verification of the new NGOs, they will be allowed to establish and operate Gosadans in the hilly areas, in which participation of women and youth self-help groups will be ensured.
- If there is space in the already running Gausadans, Animal Husbandry, Urban Development and Panchayati Raj departments will run a campaign in mutual coordination and take all the destitute cows here within a month.
- This action will be taken first in the Gosadan operated in Khatima Nagar located in Udham Singh Nagar district.
- Cow shelters will be built near the forests for the destitute cattle and enclosures will be built after contacting the forest department. Roster wise duty of veterinary officers will be imposed on Gausadans. The budget for the establishment of new Gausadans will be given by the District Magistrate at the district level.
- Daily progress report of establishment and operation of Gosadans will have to be updated in the WhatsApp group. For monitoring, remote sensing cameras will have to be installed in all Gosadans. Whichever cow will be brought to these Gausadans, their picture will have to be shared in the WhatsApp group.
- The Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Urban Development and Panchayati Raj Department will be nominated as the nodal officer for their operation.