Jharkhand Switch to Hindi
77 percent Reservation for SC-ST and OBC and Permanent Resident of 1932 on the basis of Khatian (Land Record)
Why In News?
- On September 14, 2022, in the state cabinet meeting chaired by Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren, 77 percent reservation for SC, ST, Backward Classes, OBC and economically weaker section members in state government jobs and the policy of 'locality' The proposal to decide on the basis of khatiyan of 1932 was approved.
Key Points
- Cabinet Secretary Vandana Dadel told in a press conference that the Cabinet has decided to amend the Reservation of Vacancies in Government Services Act, 2001 for 77 percent reservation for SC, ST, Backward Classes, Other Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections. Reservation Bill has been approved.
- The Cabinet has approved the introduction of separate bills in the state assembly to decide the policy of 'locality' on the basis of the 1932 khatiyan and to reserve a total of 77 percent government jobs for various classes, including 27 percent reservation to backward classes.
- The Cabinet also decided to get the two bills passed by the Assembly and sent to the Central government after the Governor's assent.
- Dadel said that the cabinet decided to request the central government to include both these laws in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution, so that they cannot be challenged in any court of the country.
- The new bill to be brought to amend the policy of 'locality' will be called 'Bill 2022 to extend the definition of local persons of Jharkhand for the definition and identification of local resident of Jharkhand and the resultant social, cultural and other benefits to such local persons'.
- Vandana Dadel said that through this bill, the local people in the state will be defined and according to the cabinet decision, now only those who will be named in the khatiyan of 1932 in the state will be considered as local residents here. Those who do not own land or property will have to obtain proof from their gram sabha that they are residents of the state before 1932.
- In the proposed job reservation policy, there will be a provision to increase the reservation in state jobs from 10 percent to 12 percent for Scheduled Castes, from 26 percent to 28 percent for Scheduled Tribes and from 14 to 27 percent for other backward classes. It has been decided to provide 15 percent reservation for extremely backward classes and 12 percent reservation for backward classes.
- With the implementation of the government's decision, the total reservation for OBCs, Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) in the state will be 77 percent.
- The Cabinet has decided to provide 10 percent reservation for the economically weaker general category in the state through this proposed bill.

Jharkhand Switch to Hindi
Important Decisions of Jharkhand Council of Ministers
Why In News?
- On September 14, 2022, along with the approval of the formation of Jharkhand Electric Vehicle Policy-2022, many other important decisions were taken in the meeting of the Council of Ministers held in the Ministry of Jharkhand.
Key Points
- Keeping in view the low rainfall and low crop cover in the state, it was approved to provide seeds to the farmers at 90% subsidy for contingency and rabi 2022-23 crops for expansion of contingency and rabi crops in the state.
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India approved the amended Jharkhand State Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2022 by adopting the draft Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2017 with certain amendments as per the model Act draft.
- In order to provide fresh hot nutrition to the beneficiaries by cooking fresh hot nutrition in Anganwadi centers and mini Anganwadi centers of the state, approval was given to revise the rate of LPG combination and LPG cylinder in the scheme of supply of gas cylinders and cooking stoves under the state scheme.
- Regarding the amendment in Schedule 1 'A' of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and the repeal of the Bihar Recreation Duty Court Fee and Section 5 of the Stamps (Revision of Surcharge) Act, 1948, the Governor's reply on the Jharkhand Finance Bill, 2021 presented earlier. After withdrawing the objection, consent was given on the Jharkhand Finance Bill, 2022.
- In the light of difficulties in the operation/ implementation of 'Mukhyamantri Pashudhan Vikas Yojana' under central plan/state plan, necessary amendment proposal was approved.
- To set up PMU (Project Management Unit) by selecting the Empanelled Agency 'Price Waterhouse Coopers Private Limited' of NICSI on the basis of nomination under Rule 245 of the Financial Rules under the Department of Higher and Technical Education for the implementation of the New Education Policy, 2020 in the state. Approval given.
- Approval was given to appoint Dr. Mary Neelima Kerketa (Retd. IAS) as the Chairman of Jharkhand Public Service Commission, Ranchi.
- Under the Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (Mid-Day Meal Scheme), it was approved to provide eggs/fruits or milk five days a week as supplementary nutrition to the children studying in schools.
- The pay revision of the state's judicial officers was approved in the light of the recommendation made by the Second National Judicial Pay Commission (SNJPC).
- The Jharkhand Reservation in Vacancies of Posts and Services Act, 2001 (as amended) was approved to amend the Bill, 2022.
- Approval was given for implementation of dress supply scheme to children of Anganwadi centers under the State Scheme to provide Winter Uniform to children of 03-06 years attending Anganwadi centers.
- MoU was approved between Azim Premji Foundation and the State Government to make available 120-150 acres of land on 99 years long-term lease for the establishment of the proposed Azim Premji University (Private University), Ranchi.
- It approved the constitution of the Bill, 2022 to extend the definition of local persons of Jharkhand and consequent social, cultural and other benefits to such local persons for the definition and identification of 'local resident of Jharkhand'.