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  • 15 Jan 2022
  • 1 min read
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Jharkhand Switch to Hindi

AVIG Robot

Why in News

  • Recently, software engineer Saswayam P Ranjan, resident of Dhanbad district of Jharkhand, after nearly two years of hard work, has designed a robot named AVIG, which can deactivate the virus of corona and other variants in a few seconds from home, office, mall-shop etc. Due to this the risk of spreading the infection can be zero percent.

Key Points

  • If a corona infected person unknowingly reaches a closed place, then there is a risk of this infection reaching another. In this situation the AVIG robot can be used in a limited area.
  • This robot will inactivate the harmful virus, bacteria present at that place. This robot works on a network of WiFi operated by Android phones, which by rotating its tiny wheels inactivates the bacteria, germs present by the effect of ultraviolet-ray.
  • This robot can be used in the factory production floor, corporate office, hospital, airport, metro, commercial mall, school, tuition hall, hotel, railway waiting hall, bank, restaurant, prayer hall, shop, store, parlor, community center, house-bungalow, in hundreds of places like apartments.

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