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Direct Air Service Facility from Bilaspur to New Delhi will start soon
Why In News?
On October 11, 2023, the Central Government and Alliance Air announced plans to run direct air service from Bilaspur to Delhi three days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in the winter schedule. This air service will start from October 31.
Key Points:
- Now direct air service from Bilaspur to Delhi will be available three days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Air service to Prayagraj will also be available during these days, because only one aircraft will connect Bilaspur to both these cities.
- According to the schedule issued for the air service, the plane going from Bilaspur to Delhi will take off from here at 3.15 pm and will land in Delhi at 5.25 pm. This plane will take off from Delhi at 9 am and reach Bilaspur at 11.15 am. In this way, Delhi can be reached from Bilaspur in two and a quarter hours.
- The plane coming from Delhi to Bilaspur will take off for Prayagraj at around quarter to 12 noon and reach there at 1 pm. On return, this plane will take off from Prayagraj at 1.30 pm and reach Bilaspur at 3.45 pm.
- It may be noted that Alliance Air Company had started the trial for direct air service from Bilaspur to Delhi from 4 to 8 October, which was successful.
- It is noteworthy that the residents of the region had been demanding direct air service from Bilaspur to metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad for a long time. At present only one flight is running from Bilaspur via Jabalpur-Prayagraj. Meanwhile, air service was started for Indore and Bhopal. It was closed citing low number of passengers, and is still closed.