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State PCS

Uttar Pradesh

  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 2 min read
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Uttar Pradesh Switch to Hindi

Ultra High-Performance Concrete (UHPC)

Why in News?

According to the sources, The Uttar Pradesh public works department (PWD) will have a tie-up with IIT-Kanpur to develop ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC) after research and development.

Key Points

  • Currently, M60 cement grade is used in most civil works in the state.
  • UHPC, which has a longer shelf life and can be 4-6 times stronger than M60 grade, and can significantly reduce the department's carbon footprint.
    • This reduction would be achieved by using thinner sections and lower deck heights during the construction of bridges, flyovers, elevated roads, railway overbridges, and other concrete-intensive infrastructure projects.
    • The product, developed using nanotechnology, is expected to be ready in three years.

Carbon Footprint

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a carbon footprint is a measure of the impact people’s activities have on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced through the burning of fossil fuels and is expressed as a weight of CO2 emissions produced in tonnes.
  • It is usually measured as tons of CO2 emitted per year, a number that can be supplemented by tons of CO2-equivalent gases, including methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gases.
  • It can be a broad measure or be applied to the actions of an individual, a family, an event, an organization, or even an entire nation.

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