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  • 11 Jul 2023
  • 3 min read
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IIT Kanpur Prepared Suicide Drone

Why In News?

According to the information received from the media on July 10, 2023, IIT Kanpur has now developed a suicide drone after the successful operation of the drone giving information about the search of enemies. This drone will explode after going to the enemy's location.

Key Points

  • According to the information, it has been developed by Dr. Subramaniam Sadrela and his team, scientists of the Aerospace Engineering Department of IIT.
  • This suicide drone is 100 km from the Indian border. Will attack after setting a distance. 100 km It will take 40 minutes to reach.
  • IIT's Aerospace Engineering Department's scientist Dr. Subramaniam Sadrela told that stalled technology has been used in it to not come under the radar of the enemies.
  • This drone runs according to the algorithm. Meaning, it will be able to make decisions on its own and it can also be controlled remotely from the base station. The drone can deviate only two meters from the designated target. Apart from day, it is also capable of flying at night.
  • Pro. Sadrela said that under DRDO's DYSL project, research work on this drone is going on for a year. It is a two meter long foldable fixed wing drone. It is 100 meters to four and a half kms. Capable of flying up to a height of
  • Pro. Sadrela said that this drone has been developed with indigenous technology. It will work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Changes will also be possible in this drone according to the needs of the army.
  • Cameras and infrared sensors are installed in the wing of the drone. It can be launched from a catapult or canister launcher. With the help of AI technology, this drone will destroy the target even after the GPS is blocked.
  • IIT scientists are continuously doing research on drones. Drones are being developed by doing research according to the needs of the disaster and the army. The drone will be fully ready after six months of trial.

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