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Uttar Pradesh

  • 11 Jun 2022
  • 3 min read
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Uttar Pradesh Switch to Hindi

Agra Cantt Station gets Green Rating

Why in News?

  • Recently, Prashakti Srivastava, Commercial Manager, Agra Railway Division, said that Agra Cantt station, DRM office and railway hospital have been given green rating by IGBC in terms of greenery, garbage management and cleanliness.

Key Points

  • Efforts are underway to make Agra Cantt station premises green for the last two years. The food for the loco pilots and guards is prepared at the biogas plant in the mess of the running room of the station. The waste collected from the station is used here. Similarly, a biogas plant is also operating in Yamuna Rest House of railway officials. Solar power is also produced at the station.
  • From the station premises to the DRM office, 1588.40 kW of electricity is generated from the solar panels, which fulfills the needs of the station and other premises.
  • More than 1,000 rail Neer and other water bottles are consumed at the station every day. Bottle crush machines are installed to destroy them.
  • From Officers Colony of Railways to DRM Office and other premises have been covered with greenery. In the year 2021-22, 1.5 lakh saplings were planted. A large number of these have now flourished. At present, a target has been set to plant 100 saplings in the station premises only. It is the responsibility of the station superintendent to look after it.
  • The STP operates at platform number six at the station. It is used in washing tracks by treating water.
  • The coaches of the trains are washed from the coach washing plant near the ward at the station. The washing water is not allowed to be wasted. It is passed on to many channels and given to plants.
  • Railways have tied up with the Municipal Corporation for the management of the garbage. After sorting out the garbage, the work of its disposal is done by the municipal team.

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