Madhya Pradesh Switch to Hindi
Ayush Health Fair launched in Paraswada
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On May 8, 2022, Madhya Pradesh Governor Mangubhai Patel addressed the launch ceremony of the AYUSH Health Fair along with unveiling the statue of Rani Durgavati in Paraswada.
Key Point
- On the occasion, he also appreciated the performance of AYUSH Fairs and the students of Government Ayurveda College, Jabalpur, and also said that 21 universities of the state have been tasked with identifying the patients of Sickle cell and giving 5 villages each to the health check-up of the families there.
- At the same time, Minister of State Ramkishore Kanware said that through these AYUSH Health Fairs, employment will be provided by marketing forest medicines of tribal-dominated areas.
- He also said that the state government is providing pension facility to the families suffering from sickle cell in the state. Trikutu powder has been distributed to about 4 crore people to increase immunity among the public in the state. 362 wellness centres have been set up in the state. Arrangements have been made to provide employment to 1500 people by making them yoga instructors. At the same time, every member of each family is being tested and their health card is being made in the AYUSH village of the state.
- It is worth mentioning that Rani Durgavati was a Gond ruler who defeated Baj Bahadur, the ruler of Malwa. Rani Durgavati had attained veergati while fighting the Mughal army led by Asaf Khan.